Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church
Elder LeRoy Rhodes | Crown Point, Indiana
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Elder LeRoy Rhodes | 1st John
Elder LeRoy Rhodes | Isaiah 40:1 SUN 09/29/2024
Elder LeRoy Rhodes | 1st John SAT 09/14/2024
Elder LeRoy Rhodes | Hebrews 13:20 SUN 08/04/2024
Elder Dave Forrest | Philippians 4:18-20 SUN 07/28/2024
Elder LeRoy Rhodes | Hebrews 13:20 SUN 07/28/2024
Jude 1:3
Elder Ray Hoggard | Mount Zion Primitive Baptist
Mark Petersen from Indiana
Hey brother Leeroy- Listening to this sermon this a.m.- love your brother in Christ-Mark Petersen
Elder LeRoy Rhodes
| Romans 11:5-6
OCTOBER 2024 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
CHURCH COVENANT Forasmuch as Almighty God by His grace has been pleased to call us (whose names are underneath subscribed) out of darkness into His marvelous light, and all of us have been regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus and have given up ourselves to the Lord and... ( more.. )
Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Thursday Service 7:00 PM Fifth Sunday 10:30AM & 1:30PM Elder LeRoy Rhodes Elder Dave Forrest Elder Roger Parker
Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church 717 N. Court Street Crown Point, Indiana 46307