Exceptional teacher Is it possible to restore the audio for this sermon? Jesse Boyd was an excellent teacher and I'm sure his insight to this passage would be a blessing to many listeners.
Disagree If Scofield were truly converted, he would have made things right with his first wife and daughter he abandoned to poverty. His dispensational heresy has brought division to the church. He was financed by Zionists (Untermeyer, Lotus Club in NY) and given undeserved immediate credibility by Oxford Press) Scofield did not want to use the KJV bible for his notes. But they were smart enough to know people at that time still knew the KJV was the only real bible. It was a brilliant plan of satan to add 1% poison to the 99% truth. The false choice of the time was either liberalism or Scofield's new dispensationalism. No one who reads the KJV bible without these notes would ever come to the dispensational conclusion. I pray Christians will be set free from this heresy and in humble awe and appreciation realize they are the true Israel of God. Not the Khazars who converted to Talmudic Judaism under King Bulan. God is no respector of persons and we all must come to Him through Jesus Christ.
Great Sermon! i am looking for a tape on my sister edith eltringham from shamokin pa
is this the tape my sister was very disabled as a child, teen and woman
i am desperately seeking any info you may have on this tape thank you for your help
linda leboon
154 roosevelt blvd
lancaster pa
17601 phone7173945136
Interesting but erroneous William Williams, Pantycelyn was NOT known as the "Sweet singer" because he was a good singer.....he got this nickname because of his hymnwriting gift.
The hymn was written in Welsh.
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" was written by William Williams (1717-1791), translated into English by Peter Williams (1722-1796) and others, and composed by John Hughes (1873-1932) who created the tune "Cwm Rhondda" for the hymn.
The Welsh audio clip at the beginning of your talk is the tune "Cwm Rhondda" but the words are of another hymn by Ann Griffiths who was a godly young hymn writer who died when she was 38.
The theology of her hymns and those of William Williams, Pantycelyn are theologically sound.
Great Sermon!(56th on my odyssey) Thankyou dear brother Anderson for this encouraging sermon. I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,preached by a speaker whom i have not heard before. This is a blessed venture.
Mmay it please the Lord to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.
Great Sermon! One day I was driving in my car and the program Sunshine on the Soapsuds came on. Beneth Peter Jones had an excellant talk on the fruit of the Spirit and the center of it was about being gentle. I was driving and so couldn't take notes. This is the first time I have gone to your website and I would like to be able to hear the messages again, or get a written transcript of it. It was excellent. Thank you for your help. Laura Dodd
Great Story I really enjoyed this story of the conversion of Andrew Jackson. It is an awesome account of how the Holy Spirit and the Word of God broke through to an old harden sinner.
Great Story! Thanks, BJU, for dramatizing this true story! George Eastergard is my uncle, and my grandparents are Anker and Edith Eastergard. I praise God for His mercy in bringing my family to a saving knowledge of the gospel! Through their strong witness for Christ, I and my husband and child have a wonderful Christian legacy that Christ has seen fit to continue in us for which we are so thankful! Thank you, BJU, for keeping true to the Word of God. In 1939, Anker and Edith, my grandparents, were in Denmark with two children, George and Kirsten, whom you hear of in this story. After immigrating to the U.S., there came Alf and Annette (Annette is my wonderful mother!). All four of these children graduated from Bob Jones University and they are strong Christians who have stood and continue to stand as great role models for my sister and me and all those who know them. My uncle George, whose voice you hear at the end of this story, is now in charge of the Gideon's International in Greenville, SC, and does great works in Christ's name in the jails, working with prisoners and sharing the gospel everywhere he is given the opportunity to. I thank God for his unfailing commitment to Christ and I couldn't tell you how many people have been reached for Christ through his tireless ministry!
Great Sermon! God is glorified in this beautiul, godly teaching. I am broken with tears of the testamony of young people, loving God, with all thier hearts, with all thier souls, with all their minds and with all thier strength. I marvel that a teenage Canadian boy wrote this beautiful hymn, and it pulls at my heartstrings, that my teenager may be used by God in an excellent way.
Great Series on Galations! I really enjoyed the Galations series which Dr. Custer teaches on The Bible Institute of the Air. It is refreshing to hear clear Biblical teaching when so many churches in our area are more interested in entertaining sinners than preaching the Word.