The words begining The word Calvary comes from the Latin word for Skull "calvaria" The greek word used in your text is the word for skull. If you want to get upset about this word, you should be upset that is comes from the corrupted Latin version... :)
Give Me The Old Time Religion! Praise God for Pastor Gordon and his unwavering dedication to the old time religion. He is correct that such uncompromising, convicting, soul-stirring preaching is becoming harder and harder to find, even among those churches billing themselves as fundamental independent. Many of the young pastors coming up are unwitting victims of their age, with its psychobabble, politically correct sensitivity, and the church growth gimmicks and tricks taught by Hybels, Warren et al. I rejoice that the sermons of standard bearers such as Rudolph Gordon are preserved on tape and available online for our education and edification. Pressing on in Christ . . . Gary Peterson
Hard-Hitting Rebuttal to the Purpose Driven Church Pastor Gordon delivers a hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners sermon calling the church to return to its biblically mandated mission. The church growth and purpose-driven models have created a church too eager to please and entertain, too concerned with concerts, baseball leagues and banquets. The goal of a church should not be big crowds and to leave 'em laughing. A much-needed message in these last days where so many believers have been duped and deceived and distracted by our celebrity-driven, entertainment-drunk culture.
Good Baptist Preaching Someone in Hell is thinking about you today. What are they saying about you?
Very challenging sermon. I'll be sharing this one.
So True So True Wow. Great message and so true today. We need to bar the Devil from the church so we can focus on worship. Pastor Gordon was on rolling thunder in this message.
Good Ole Time Preaching This is nothing but good ole time pulpit-pounding preaching like it used to be done. Hard-nosed, blunt, Biblical and timely. An Amen a minute.