Great Sermon! Thankyou Daniel for this timely message
My Church has just gone through a split and it has been very difficult to see what it has done to everyone.
Great Sermon! Young men rebelled because of dad was away alright BUT if dad had a BUSINESS, then sons and daughters would learn from that and see DAD..THIS corporate ladder that drew men into the cities and women into suburbs with the kids made both worse, women rebelled and wanted liberation because she was with CRAZY TEENAGERS all DAY...this STARTED the friedan nonsense....even the 20s and 30s werent this bad, it wasnt until after ww2 that the TEENAGE CULTURE and its chaos ensued...(you dont have to go back 100 years)
Awesome! Wow!!...What a great way of looking at our trials. The Lord is able to take the parts of our story that we would like to rewrite and use them for a purpose.
Great Sermon! I am grateful to the Lord that you found this helpful. I prayed for you today that God would continue to lead you as you walk with Him. God's richest blessing to you!
Awesome!!..Great Message This message was on point!!..I have been guilty of using those tactics to manipulate GOD, trying to get what I want or dont want to do...And now it has been changed to, "name it claim it"...Thank You Pastor Great Message!!!
What the Bible says! This is an outstanding sermon that tells clearly what the Bible says about this confusing issue. Someone should e-mail the link to John Hagee (see my blog if you don't know what I mean) because he needs to look at the scripture references. When I study this issue, the people who claim you can lose your salvation rarely have concrete scriptures - but people who go to the Bible find scripture after scripture to show the perserverence of the saints.