Great Sermon! Wonderful sermon. The facts are very sad, but the Lord God Almighty is sovereign over all. We, His people, must do our part to spread the gospel, to adopt or foster or help families who adopt or foster, etc. Thank you for this good exhortation and encouragement.
Questions posed at end of sermon: 1. are you more concerned about politics than you are your sin?
2. Are you more concerned about the country your kids will grow up in than you in their eternal state?
3. Do you place more hope in politicians or parties than you do your Savior?
4. Do you find presidential debates, political YouTubers/bloggers, news headlines as more interesting or important than the Bible, reading it, studying it and listening to it taught?
5. Are you more eager to post a meme or article in regards to your political views than you are to about your relationship with Jesus?
6. Do you ignore the Bible’s command about submitting to the authorities simply because you may not like the leader or thing they have told you to do?
7. Do you defend your candidate as perfect or party stronger than you do God?
8. Do you allow secondary political views to be the division of the Body of Christ?
9. Do you place more stock in sinful man than you do God’s sovereignty and power?
10. Do you place more value on what you presume the outcome of the election will be than on pure Christlike voting, which considers not only major issues but the man himself and their office, and his example towards all those looking to him?
11. Is the state of your country more important to you than the state
It was a blessedI was blessed Thanks for Sharing your heart, and your leadership’s position on this. Sounds like you are encouraging folks to be the church, not just go to church. Well done!
Great Sermon! There was no particular reason I listened to this sermon other than the seemingly contradictory title. I was intrigued. Hope and abortion don't usually go together. I am starting off my day with tears of joy and yes, hope. What a powerful message and one that I pray is heard world wide. I was blessed immensely and some of the dispair of what is happening in the world today was brought back into focus once again. Our great God and Saviour is in control; we must not lose hope and never should we be brought to dispair. Our God reigns and every decision He makes is just and true. Amen! Thank you for posting this.
Great Sermon! I dont believe that God chose " certain people" To be saved. But i believe that all people have The call To be saved but only those who aré IN CHRIST , that trust that Jesus Christ has paíd The ramsom For our sins; those were elected IN HIM. Colossians tell US se aré complete in HIM. If Jesus has an elected people why he needed to be sacrified?
Great Sermon! Wow you read a lot into this as far as Noah’s sin. I don’t see where the passage addresses Noah’s drunkenness as being at issue here.
Is this what is taught in Seminary?
One should see what Scripture says about seeing one’s nakedness in other passages. Lev 18 & Lev 20: 11-21 give a definition of what uncovering nakedness means. Although Noah uncovered his own nakedness there is nothing wrong with that in the privacy of his tent. But if Ham had relations with Noah’s wife that might result in Canaan. You noted that Ham being the father of Canaan is mentioned TWICE. Anytime the Bible repeats something one realizes it is important. Also note that Canaan is addressed as Shem & Japheth’s brother. This explanation would explain why Noah reacted the way he did.
Shem & Japheth walking backwards & covering Noah without looking upon his nakedness indicates they respectfully covered their father such that there would be no more humiliation suffered by Noah in His drunken state.
I also think it strange that all these kids are hanging around Noah when God had commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. They had a lot of ground to cover. They need not be hanging around their father.
Great Sermon! A very sobering picture from the story of lot showing that depravity is still present in the regenerate ,and what danger there is in being friendly and compromised with the way of the world. An eye opener ,a wake up call, and a blessing.