How Not To Pray Is it possible to have a copy, either manuscript or recorded form ? I've enjoyed following along this study. I even listened to a lesson while riding my 1988 Kawasaki Voyager.
Needed Sermon In today's world this important message is rarely heard. The sermon is an excellent fine tuning in my relationship to our wonderful Lord who gave His life for us. Thank you immensely for delving into James' words, breaking it down so well and making it so very clear to understand. Valuable insight!
Godliness! This sermon gives a plain, Biblical definition, with examples, of the doctrine of godliness. Dr. Custer then asks, "Where, today, is the emphasis on godly living?"
Great Sermon! This was a most precious sermon on God's loving dealings with us in times of suffering or difficulty. The illustration of the stuffed toy touched my heart and spoke to me personally. Thank you.
Great Sermon! O pastor Greg this is such an important message and it has really helped me work through some issues. I have an issue with a sister who I wish to rebuke ( complicated situation ) but I do not know where she lives any more. I guess I need to pray about this bit it’s helped me to focus on this situation in prayer. Thank you so much
Great Sermon! I listened to this around a week ago and it had such a profound effect on me. Delighting in Christ should have an effect on born again Christians. This changed my whole perspective on death when we are in the Lord. Very important message.
Thank you pastor Greg for making me think again on this.
Great Sermon! Thank you for the reminder of the very real power of God's Word and the beautiful, complete example of our dear Savior Jesus Christ. God's Word is Yahweh's glorious weapon for us to use in the battle for our hearts and minds. Encouraging reminder! Thank you.
The Gospel We Proclaim is Nothing New! Thank you, Pastor, for faithfully declaring the glorious Gospel of Christ. Thank you, especially here, for emphasizing that the Gospel Paul preached was nothing new, but that the death (Is. 53) and resurrection (Ps. 16) of Christ were foretold in the Old Testament. Helpful, useful, and encouraging! Thank you very much.