It’s been awhile I last listened to Dr. Curto in the early 2000s. He has not changed. Still consumed with our glorious God. Thank you for posting his sermons 🙏
Great Sermon! You are absolutely correct that our lineage began in Genesis 3:15 which tells us why we have the endless conflicts with others and with whom.
Great Sermon! What a great work this message has done in setting thoughts on the One who came from above.
We want to see Jesus. What a beautiful name. Jesus. What a great work - saving his people from their sin/sins.
Great Sermon! What a great work this message has done in setting thoughts on the One who came from above.
We want to see Jesus. What a beautiful name. Jesus
A wonderful message! This is a fantastic message! I'm so thankful that we are not come to that mount which could not be touched, but to Mount Zion, and to Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant! Sinful man can now, through Christ Jesus, be reconciled with the thrice holy, triune God!
Great Sermon! Never heard Ephesians 1 preached like you just preached it! Amazing exposition of it. Look forward to listening to this series on this wonderful book! So blessed by this message!
Great Sermon! Had to think about the question how have you gone against the grain myself. I so wish there was a Christian school for my kids in my area- but there is not- I don't think my kids would cope with being sent away from home . But yeah agree with mr Shishko having unsaved kids ( some very very bad) in my house has been a real ministry- I give lifts to anyone in my car but the deal is they listen to a sermon from sermonaudio ( which I chose very carefully). They actually don't appear to mind too much either??? Mi was never a parent to smack my children because on the few occasions I did, I was convicted of acting out of anger. I too am the only Christian in my family and this has caused huge difficulties with my in laws who appear to me to be on a mission to spiritually corrupt my children and sew seeds of discord in my home. All I can say is that I pray constantly, have the faith to believe that god is bigger and that there are promises to my kids. Interesting discussion.