GOD, YOU ARE SOO BEAUTY-FULL! What Brother Keith said, "We are swimmin' in Grace", stuck me with a
particular realization, that perhaps bares some witness.
And it is this: WE have also been "Slumming" in GOD'S Wondrous, Loving, Merciful and SALVIFIC "GRACE" @ times.
It is real-eyes'd, that's not a pretty thought, nor Should it be! EVER!
And it's not as easy to bring to mind, either.
While performing our "self-examination", perhaps we could also real-eyes, how we too, have personally taken advantage, as it were, of ALL THAT 'BEAUTY-FULL' GRACE from Our ALLMIGHTY CREATOR GOD!
What usually brings me to a Screechin' Halt, is reflecting back to HIS very 1st Commandment! Which as far as this servant is aware,
(And please forgive me Keith, but i didn't perform a 'Google Search' or anything
; ) ♡
Nevertheless, as far as i can s t r e t c h my miniscule mind, no one has been able to actually OBEY the 1st Commandment for more than a few milliseconds @ a time! Talkin' bout "GRACE"!