loosing your salvation??? ok, let me try and get this... the Holy Spirit works in a person YET that person manages to reject Christ and thus can't be saved? is the Holy Spirit not all powerful? if the HS works in somebody is it not the same as the HS indwelling? can the will of man over ride the will of God? obviously i differ from david vance, give me one of the other nine options for interpreting this verse...
God bless in Jesus Christ
gabriel smit
A Very Comforting and Biblical Tonic! This is a very good sermon for those experiencing a chronic or progressive illness and all the temptations and suffering that come with Sickness. God working all things together for good.
Superb! The Lord's day is a gift from the Lord...a day for doing good to others and enjoying the Lord. We have forgotten what a blessing and gift it is. God gives good gifts to His children and this is one of them.
A much needed Sermon! Very good observations Pastor Trice. It is so easy to get caught up into secretly doing things for self rather than for others. Because of our self conceit we tend to fail to see that tendency in ourselves, while we suppose we see it clearly in others. Even our best and most noble efforts are contaminated with selfishness. I would suggest that those who listen to this sermon take a close look at their own intentions. I don't know how anyone can listen to this sermon without saying, "Lord, is it I?" Well done Pastor Trice!
Great Sermon! I so appreciate this sermon and David's message. Although I'm happily married now I remember being single and all the questions I had inwardly about my role in church. This sermon is such an encouragement to me even now with my husband deployed. It makes me that more mindful of my days-to resolve not to waste my time in pleasing self while I am temporarily alone.
Ace Sermon! I have been reading Edwards now for three years and have done a dissertation on his work I can a say that Edwards us still Ace!! This is small work but it is truly enriching. Being more dependant we are on God the more he delights in us.Praise God
Great Sermon! Pastor Vance really delivers on an important topic for all Christians, the Provocation in the wilderness. An understanding of Numbers is crucial in understanding much of the NT, notably Hebrews chap 3 and 4 for this study. Too many denominations today seem to gloss over or even ignore the examples of the rebellion and the consequences thereof. Thank you for a great sermon.
Great Sermon! Edwards does it again. God really blessed us in giving the Church such a great preacher/teacher in Edwards. I find Edwards agruments very helpful when I talk to Christans and non Christians alike.Get into Edwards it will really bless you !
Great Sermon! Just listened to this short sermon by Jonathan Edwards, and it was so practical and uplifting! I enjoy the sermons that edify, or convict of sin, and give us deeper understanding of God's word. Jonathan Edwards is as relevant today as when he lived on the earth, because he preached God's word so powerfully. Please have more and more sermons by this wonderful giant of preachers!