Wow! I seem to see things like this so much lately. Ad for Bounty paper towels shows a man doing dishes in an effeminate turtleneck sweater, spills coffee and wipes it up using a Bounty paper towel, shows his ringed hand with a gaudy gold ring. An ad for Puffs tissues shows a man at home with his daughter and he is taking care of her sneezes with a tissue (not that a father can't show his daughter his love by comforting her but we have mothers especially for that!). An ad for a device with AI (a whole other subject) shows that the AI will help with ordering food, etc., and we see the dad at home, scrambling to get kids fed and ready. Where's Mom? At work, of course! Wicked.
Great Sermon! what about the age of the Antichrist? will he be 30-33 years old like Christ? or will he be the same age as judas ? if so how old was he?
Great Sermon! Abraham Lincoln was one bad dude. It was a great night to go to the movies if you wanted to rid America of a tyrannical president with a crazy wife.
Good teaching You opened my eyes to something so fundamental in scripture. I never thought about this much before now. I wasn't born until 1958. Satan and his minions had already been allowed to influence the whole world. The same thing is still happening today, just at a faster pace. I love you brother and pray for you and your ministry. Giving all praise to God.
Good teaching Keeping it straight and to the point brother Jason. Calling out both political parties for their compromise with this wicked world. We are supposed to love each other and our enemies. But to not speak truth and go along with their lies is not loving them at all. We should give them the gospel and pray for them. It's up to God to produce the fruit. God didn't spare Sodom and he certainly will not spare this country, unless people repent and let God change their hearts. Amen
Wow! that was something else. Thank you for covering this subject. You can be pretty sure youtube will sensor this one brother Jason. We are approaching the same level of insanity in America. Bible believers will become the primary target of rulers and lost people. Jesus told us this would happen.
Mark 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
But I say..
Psalms 62:6 He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
Proverbs 12:3 A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.
Good teaching brother Jason I agreed with you then and I agree with you now. God's Word is clear on these things. There is judgment that is not only being done as we speak but more to come. People need to take heed that no man deceive them.
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Abortion is murder 😳
Sodomy is an abomination 💯
Transgender ideology is of Satan himself. God said...
Job 12:16 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.
Jesus came to save us from our sins, not to continue in them. The sad part is not many will believe the truth.
Thanks Bro Cooley! Thanks for your staunch Biblical defense of the family and proper roles for husbands, wives and children. Only men can be a husband. Only women can be a wife. Otherwise there would be no children. That's God's design. Anything else is perversion!
Thanks pastor Cooley! It's really sad to see our country and the people in it come to It's current state. Just pray God would shake things bad enough that many would have no place to turn but him.
Demonic Popery Endorsed By Apostate Churches! It is very apparent that demonic popery is endorsed by liberal apostate denominations, particularly those aligned with the popish and liberal World Council of Churches like the World Lutheran Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Methodist Council and other apostate liberal denominations! One day, the World Council of Churches will have its part in The Lake of Fire as will the World Lutheran Federation, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and the World Methodist Council because of their liberal apostasy and popery! There are severe punishments for believing the damnable heresies of popery like eternal torment in The Lake of Fire, and these liberal apostate denominations will suffer that same consequence! This sermon is a plea to repent and come out of apostate popish liberal denominations and the Catholic Church that we be not partakers of their popish sins and receive not of their popish plagues as we are warned about in Revelation 18, particularly Revelation 18:4! As noted, The Lake of Fire will be filled with naked liberals and naked papists!
Late Akira Toriyama: Lost Sinner! One example of a man who was a lost sinner is the late Akira Toriyama (鳥山明, Hepburn: Toriyama Akira, born on 05 April, 1955, died on: 01 March, 2024 at age 68), the creator of the DragonBall franchise! We realize that the late Akira Toriyama promoted the false religions of Shinto and Buddhism through his anime called Dragon Ball, even because the Dragon Ball franchise is centered around seeking "spiritual enlightenment" from the dragons, called Porunga and Shenron in the franchise! We as Christians realize that the dragon is a symbol of Satana according to Revelation 12! This means that the dragon is associated with demonic and Satanic evil! How tragic that the late Akira Toriyama made an imaginary franchise centered around the dragon as the primary "spiritual source" of "enlightenment" called Dragon Ball, more like Satana Ball! All of this means that Akira Toriyama entered a Devil's (Dragon's) Hell! One day, Akira Toriyama will spend his eternity in The Lake of Fire with all other anime and manga artists and Satana the Dragon himself, all of whom sought after "spiritual enlightenment" from Satana the Dragon! This is a plea to repent from the dragon and turn to Yesu Kristo!
Effeminate Male American Country Singers! It should be noted that American male country singers are and were effeminate sissies! This is also apparent in that many American male country singers have and had long hair like effeminate hippies, which is a shame on a man according to 1 Corinthians 11, particularly 1 Corinthians 11:14! Also, according to 1 Corinthians 6, particularly 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, there are a list of offences and offenders who will not inherit The Kingdom of Heaven! One of the offenders listed are effeminate men! It is also very apparent that many American rednecks are and were effeminate sissies because of American country music! This sermon is much needed in response to all types of rock music, including this transgression of effeminacy called American country music!
Great teaching. I believe Paul said it best in 1 Corinthians chapter 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
Amen 🙏
Laura Duvann (1998): Demonic Evil Satanic Banshee! In the fantasy/drama live action film called The Last Leprechaun (1998), which was released on 27 October, 1998, there was a demonic evil Satanic banshee named Laura Duvann who was portrayed by actress Veronica Hamel (born 20 November, 1943)! While films marketed as "fantasy" appear to be brilliant works of art with impressive music, the whole "fantasy" genre is rooted in occultism, namely the fable of "light magic" vs. "dark magic!" It is tragic how actress Veronica Hamel made a career off of playing demonic, evil, Satanic characters, including Laura Duvann! As we are instructed in Romans 12, particularly Romans 12:9, we are to abhor that which is evil and to cleave to that which is righteous and noble! That also means that we must abhor demonic evil Satanic beings like Laura Duvann! It is very apparent that Laura Duvann looks demonic and is demonic because of her appearance and her mannerisms, including speaking with her "regular human voice" and her demonic voice of the Legion! Even back in the 90s, including 1998, fantasy films were depicting demonic villain characters! Of course, the entire fantasy genre is filled with demonic characters like Laura Duvann! This sermon is a plea to repent of demonic spirituality!
Great Sermon I really liked what you said about how we are accountable for what we believe, not what others believe. Profound indeed! I thank the LORD for his infinite wisdom. He is so far above anyone or anything in this world which is so full of vanity. Love you brother Jason.
David J. Stewart: Heretical Jack Hyles Supporter! One example of a supporter of the late Jack Hyles is David J. Stewart (c. 1968 - ) who is the "webmaster" of an over the top website called! While it is true that Yesu is The Masiya, we must not endorse this extremist heretic named David J. Stewart and his extreme support of the late legalistic jackboot heretic named Jack Hyles! Not only that, but Mr. David J. Stewart slanders wonderful ministries like Chick Publications as "heretical!" As we know, Chick Publications, which was founded by the late Jack Chick with his amazing artistic style, has produced a wonderful legacy worth living up to! Like the late Jack Hyles who he supports, David J. Stewart is a legalistic, slanderous, self-righteous, backbiting, hypocrite, who according to Romans 1 (Romani 1) are worthy of death! This sermon is a needed response to the Hyles cult and all of its supporters, including this member of the Hyles cult named David J. Stewart, who has a cultic website called!