Modernism: Infidelity Against Biblical Doctrine! One of the most notable examples of infidelity against Biblical Doctrine is known as modernism! David Cloud from Way of Life Literature shows how modernism took over churches at the beginning of the 20th Century! To counter this modernism, a group of Protestant and Baptist Fundamentalists published The Five Fundamentals in 1910! We are also warned in 2 Corinthians 6, particularly 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, including infidels who espouse modernism! This podcast clearly shows that modernism is liberalism with another name! What fellowship do Conservative Protestants have with liberal modernistic infidels? None, because The True Doctrines of Fundamental Protestanism and the false teachings of liberalism/modernism are incompatible! It is time for us to come out from among these infidels called liberals and modernists and to be separate from them, lest we be led away with their wicked damnable errors of liberalism and modernism! Also worth considering the example of 2 Peter 3, particularly 2 Peter 3:17, so that we are not carried away with the damnable error of the wicked!
The Olympics: Highly Esteemed Among Men Jesus clearly stated: 'that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in The Sight of God.' By that very definition, the Olympic Games, both Summer and Winter, are abominations in The Sight of God because they are highly esteemed among people in a worldly sense of prestige. The example of Luke 16:15 is a noble example to learn from. This sermon shows that our call is to run a spiritual race, not a worldly race with the intent on seeking worldly prestige.
Sound words for dark times This is an excellent presentation of scripture passages that deal with the judgment of God, and what is the right response to God's judgment. Put in simple terms, yet with a thorough presentation of pertinent examples from the word of God, this should help the prayerful listener to overcome in this time of calamity. Let us obediently hearken to the Lord our God, humbling ourselves under his mighty hand, that he may exalt us in due time to the glory of his name.
Popery: Rebellion Against Yehovah This sermon clearly demonstrates that Roman Catholic popery is really the sin of rebellion against Yehovah. Just as Yehovah put down Korah's rebellion in Numbers 16:1-50, so He will put down the Vatican's rebellion against Him. A sermon like this is also a call to repent of the sin of rebellion which is known as popery.
Mother Teresa: Rebellious Catholic This sermon shows that Mother Teresa, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, (26 August, 1910 - 05 September, 1997) was a rebellious Catholic. However, her rebellion against Yehovah has been put down by Yehovah when she died on 05 September, 1997. This sermon is also a call to repent of the damnable heresies of popery for those who are caught up in it.
Mother Teresa: Died in Her Sins Mother Teresa, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, (26 August, 1910 - 5 September, 1997) died in her sins and is now being tormented in Hell, and will later on be judged at the Great White Throne and be cast into the Lake of Fire. It is worth remembering John 8:24 in times like these. This sermon shows why every person, who passed away as a Roman Catholic, only died in their sins.
A clear answer from Scripture Grounded in what the Word says, point by point, concerning the second coming is wonderfully handled here.
It is a demonstration of mastery to know how to build sound doctrine from the meaning of the text. That is done with a clarity in this answer:
honoring the Lord and His Word.
Mother Teresa: Slain By The Lord Mother Teresa, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, (26 August, 1910 - 5 September, 1997) passed away on 5 September, 1997 at the age of 87. While we assume that Mother Teresa died of congestive heart failure at old age, the reality is that Mother Teresa was slain by The Lord's Righteous Wrath. If Mother Teresa had been around in the days of Elijah on Mount Carmel, Elijah would have slain Mother Teresa with the sword. We know that Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the grove in 1 Kings 18. Now Mother Teresa is being punished for her sins in Hell and will be punished in The Lake of Fire.
A church which the worlds likes best Here is what Charles Spurgeon would have to say about contemporary praise churches, "That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors."
The world seems to favor contemporary praise churches, including those of the New Calvinist variety due to their uncanny ability to entertain the goats.
New Calvinism: Wordliness posing as Calvinism This sermon shows why New Calvinism is really worldliness posing as Calvinism. It is evident that New Calvinists promote CCM as well as worldly culture like pro sports all while appearing Calvinistic on the exterior.
Mother Counter Reformer Teresa This sermon shows that Mother Teresa was a modern day Counter Reformer of the 20th century. We remember the push for the Godly Protestant Reformation throughout the 16th century. 4 centuries later, Mother Teresa would come on the scene in a futile attempt to undo the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation will never be forgotten, but Mother Teresa and everything related to popery will be forgotten in the future. Someday, Mother Teresa and every pope will be judged at the Great White Throne and cast into the Lake of Fire. Remember Revelation 20:11-15.
Not So Saintly This sermon is rather prudent because it shows that Mother Teresa was no "saint" at all. She was a blasphemous false prophet from the very beginning.