Uplifting Sermon! A well delivered, well organized sermon with timeless truths for every believer. Especially the power, peace and rest in Christ’s shed blood.
NO DEATH FOR THE GODLY !! A beautifully delivered, God-honoring message based on 1 Thess. 4:13-18 which also brought to my remembrance God's Word in Proverbs 12:28 -- "In the way of righteousness IS LIFE; and in the pathway thereof there is NO DEATH."
Great Sermon! Love this sermon. I was reminded years ago, when my oldest son let home at 16yrs. old. The day he left, I said to myself, "I am a no good mother who failed." Immediately the Lord spoke to my heart and said, "No, Molly, you did just what I wanted you to teach him. Just let him go as I just wanted you to know how I feel when my children rebel." I couldn't hardly believe the joy I experienced in the midst of that pain (storm).
What a theme! Where we are living now! Thank you so much for this faithful ultra timely sermon Pastor Simmons... My problem is fear and lack of courage to face what we are in as a culture...pray for one another...
Powerful and encouraging. This is a powerful, wonderful sermon that I heard Pastor Pollard deliver. It should be a great encouragement to every Christian parent with an unbelieving child.
HARD HEART MADE SOFT!! Pastor Clarence, I was blessed by the powerful message that you preached today. I am so glad that you shared the story about how God "showed up unexpectantly" and changed the HARD heart and life of death-row inmate, Renaldo Hudson. A thing to ponder is God's mercy to His Children wherever they are, whatever be their circumstances! We each one have our "own" story of how He came and "set the captive free."
YOU ARE A SHINING LIGHT!! Your preaching is so refreshing in this day of DEAD churches. Even though, Pastor Jeff, you are in your "hoary head" years, He Who Is Sovereign has you "flourishing like the palm tree and growing like a cedar in Lebanon" (Ps. 92:12). The Lord is granting you and MZBC a time of GREAT fruitfulness -- the spreading of The Gospel world-wide through paper preachers who are faithfully proclaiming "IT IS WRITTEN".
Needs to be heard by every Christian Parent Particularly helpful for home-educators. Every Christian parent would benefit from hearing this sermon. Helpful both to prepare hearts and also provides balm for those who are already undergoing this painful providence of the Lord.