Great Sermon! I wish more pastors would preach on this instead of tithing. I also wish they woulda also start a soul winning ministry and start teaching this then actually go out and actually start witnessing and ministering to the lost. My current church as well as the other churches in my neighborhood don’t seem to feel compelled to do this. I am senior elderly person with no transportation using a walker but have prayed that I could find at least one person would feel compelled to become my witness partner. No one is interested. I try to do what I can just in my short travels to the my neighborhood grocery store visits. Churches no longer feel compelled to witness, acts as though there is no need to follow Matthew 28:19-20. Some areas aren’t safe for elderly using walkers and canes. I am in my late 70’s with unsteady gait and there are elements of crime in my neighborhood. When I was associated with churches that had soul winning ministries I was very active and I LOVED it! I miss this ministry and am saddened to my heart and soul. Pray for me. Thanks.
A Practical Exposition Pastor Innes delves into the particulars of 2 Peter 1. He's not afraid to preach a series on a portion of Scripture. When, he lays a table for the Lord's sheep it's a multi course meal.
Great Sermon! This is the first of a expositional yet highly practical series in Second Timothy.
As Pastor Innes goes through the book virtualy verse by verse. The series will easily get into the forties if not higher by its end.