Your class Thank you sir for this class. I have gleaned from it much. I have read this author before. I appreciate the lessons about we hate the sin in US not necessarily hating ourselves as a creature but the sin in us that we are sinful creatures now. Thankful that Christ has covered my sin by his blood in atonement. I am learning to repent daily.
Great Sermon! I listened to the morning and evening sermons this morning and deeply appreciated both. They, and our nation's moral decline, fit well together. Messages that all should heed. Thankyou Grace for being a light that shines in the darkness and preparation for what is to come - without a national repentance and calling out for your mercy, grace and deliverance.
Excellent, Biblical, Applicatory Lecture Thank you so much for this topic and the in-depth research and thorough presentation! It was so timely and helpful for both my husband and me. We’re looking forward to reading “Reset” and “Refresh” now. God bless your ministry and allow you to see much fruit on these labors.