Great Sermon! Such an encouraging message. One that I must needs to listen again and again. May the Lord be pleased to increase the faith of His children for our good and His glory!
Complete! Oh to grasp this blessed truth and adore our Saviour Jesus Christ adequately!! How could one ever tire in learning the riches of His grace?The LORD be magnified!
Thankful Truly see the humility, self sacrifice, and love of Christ in Epaphroditus. Have known someone present day that has greatly manifested these same characteristics in word and in deed. Oh the gratitude to God that overflows for Christ Jesus our Redeemer and for those He puts in our path to help, teach, preach, guide, and point us to our Worthy King!!! All glory and honour to Him alone.
Our Gospel Clear exposition on the faith of God's elect received in the new birth which trusts & looks to the object and the faith of Christ, which justifies the chosen sinner. A work of God with no hint of man's contribution.
Great Sermon! I thank God for you dear friend
And am so blessed by Gods message thru you
Very powerful messages exalting The Lord Jesus Christ, my only Hope
Christ is always exalted
And I love it!!!!!!!!!!
Great Sermon! Knowing HIM
My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Is my Salvation and Security
I need no other plea
So blessed to receive Gods SURE WORD
Thank u Larry!
Great Sermon! I AM Thy Salvation and my Boast is ONLY CHRIST
Thank you God for this message
My confidence is HIM
And this is truly ALL I have
Thank you Larry
For this message of Hope for my soul
Great Sermon! Thank You God for this message from You
Thank you for this faithful servant
Worship is a matter of the heart
Don you have encouraged me so many times
I love you brother and always will
Thank you for bringing me the gospel
Wonderful Dear Don, never waivered from teaching God's truth. I miss him so much but so grateful for the sermons he has left us that bless us and keep our eyes firmly on our Lord and Saviour. Please listen, you will be truly blessed.
Great Sermon! Words can’t express the power of this message from God to my soul
Thank you God for Your Abundant MERCY
And thank you LORD for giving this man Your words