Sermons I have been praying for you...and I am happy to see you back!
I have listened to Richard Sibbes Sermon "The Saints Hiding Place On The Evil Day" This is my third edifying!
I am relying more and more on the Preachers of "The Day"
I have been listening to Jonathan Mattull on Sundays Live. They sing from the 1620 Scottish Split Psalter...which I purchased. Which I am learning to use.
Once again...Thank you so much for your narriations!
Psalm 57
Really Helpful! I have been listening to these while I read along in my Banner of Truth volume. It is very helpful! This is also very well done. He is an excellent reader!
Great Sermon! I am so thankful I found these sermons. I now understand what is going on in the world today. I knew a little about the Roman church but these sermons have helped me greatly. Still listening and listening to them again. I am reformed Presbyterian, very conservative and I truly appreciate the speakers giving of their time to record these. God bless you and please keep presenting our true reformers sermons. I am blessed by hearing them. My faith increased as my knowledge is increased.
Great Sermon! Thank you for the reading of these books that were were written so long ago for our learning and edification.
Also, without " " 's my listening is so much better to listen and think and meditate on what is being read. I realize with the strictness of an intelligent mind precision is most important!
(no false flattery intended)
What a blessing to listen to the faithful preaching of GOD'S WORD!
John 17:25,26
Every Idle Word! Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I do not think that A. W. Pink was ever more spot on correct about an issue that the Bride of Christ needs to get straight. Listen even if you do not want to.
Thank you, dear sister Joanna Thank you, dear Joanna. I hope you were able to listen to the recent Matthew Henry narration.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. :-)
Benjamin Thank you, brother. I appreciate your comment on this, and the comment on the 4th chapter as well.
Shoot me an email and I'll give you my number, that is, if you're in the UK, or US.
Thank you for your comments past as well.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Brother Duane
This is excellent Brother Duane Is there more to this book by Brother Joseph Caryl? If there is would kindly consider narrating the rest of it as well
Great Sermon! Our Lord Jesus Christ by His Divine Holy Spirit brought this verse to my remembrance last night! I looked through the sermons and found this one! So wonderful and great comfort! Nothing is able to compare with our Scriptures and the great men of GOD of yesteryear to expound upon them! Thank you so much dear brother for your readings. What a blessing to your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Blesses Redeemer. Joanna