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There are so many events are organized in catholic churches. While most of the events are only regards to the saints. This is important for the saints, their religion and the people who followed them.
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This is Awesome treatment and as my knowledge in theory, as to separation and time and their connection to movement and migration, any schoolboy will realize that the genuine separation is just a single thought in deciding the legitimacy of the course.
Who/What will you trust? Multiple Choice: 1. God who said, “This is my beloved Son, hear him. 2. Jesus who said, “Do this in remembrance of me; speaking of his sacrifice. 3. Apostle Paul who said, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed Gal 1:8. 4. Hebrews 1:1, 2 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, 5. Pope Julius, who felt that because the angels celebrated Christ’s birth, saying “Glory to God in the highest …” we should do likewise and have a birthday party for Jesus. If you celebrate “Christmas” then you believe Pope Julius of 363 BC. Julius was a Demetrius in disguise - Acts 19:24-28 When else is Christ given first place? Why “Christmas?” Typically Mary and departed saints are exalted above Christ. Where’s their parties? Did Pope Julius believe Christ died for us? No! This would be unmerited grace and ruin their silver smithing trade. Julius says do as the angels. So why not join in with the angels who rejoice when one sinner is saved? There would be endless celebration. Christmas is hokus-pokus; just like halloween.
This is an excellent treatment on the subject of Halloween and a bit of its origin, at least within Catholicism. Why do Christians imitate the world's holidays which Spring from pagan/Catholic traditions? It is worth noting, however, the source of the Pagan tradition as noted which may be, according to Alfred Rehwinkle's book THE FLOOD, a cross-civilization historical commemoration of a Day of the Dead in many countries marking that catastrophic Global event which began, he calculates, at the end of October. Thus The Hauntings from the dead and the Catholic All Souls day continuing the same tradition, with variations and corrupting Christian doctrine until Luther shined the light.
Great Sermon! This is fit work for ANY day! Even on the seventeenth day of February. Praise the Lord for such a good word of admonition. May the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, be wielded in mine own hand against my own sin. Thank you, dear brother, for the Word, earnestly preached and with the skill of a true physician of souls.
Great Sermon! Once again we are reminded of the utmost importance of being prepared to worship our God. Is the reason that so many churches bring in the worlds music, the worlds entertainment, and the worlds gimmicks an attempt to fill the unfillable void of Gods departure? In the refusal to "put sin out of the camp", yea, even out of our own hearts, we fail to worship and draw near to God. We must again be reminded of the Majesty of God. We must prepare to enter into His presence. "This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified.."(Lev. 10:3). Great message.
Great Sermon! One of the best sermons I have ever heard preached...excellent research and presentation...and devoid of self in the presenter.
Wonderful conclusion and application as well.