May God keep you Dear Pastor Joe, may our LORD be with you and your family and may His love and presence be more real and full at this time than at any other. You and your messages are much appreciated.
Great Sermon! As always Pastor Joe your message is God's Word which is a 2-edged sword that penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow.... I needed it. Many thanks for it. I am now in Nigeria a veritable Hell on earth and your messages give me Light, admonishment, and encouragement not to run back to London where I've lived all my life. Please do pray that God's Gospel and His Spirit would come to this Dark and so godless nation (Nigeria) where prosperity churches, and sorcery with human sacrifice abound, and the people know nothing about REPENTANCE.
Wonderful testimony I've listened to all five parts of the story of this man's conversion and his life after conversion. It is just wonderful! Praise God for working in this man's heart and letting him know that Y'shua is the Messiah. Very encouraging for anyone who wants to witness to a Jewish friend.
So encouraging! What a wonderful example of God's faithfulness when his people cry out to him for help in witnessing! This is an excellent example of how any of us can witness to Jewish friends and neighbors. Thank you for sharing this.
Great Sermon! This is a very important tho solumn series I think every believer should listen to. Number four msg brings the four part series full circle in a powerful way. Tku pastor Joseph for uploading.
Comment What the church complains off today, she has progressively neglected over time. What present lamentations cannot help, behavioral rectification will heal.
It is true that silent pastors contribute to the decline of culture. Pastors do not always preach what they might believe Scripture teaches, for fear of ruffling people. As stated here they avoid ‘controversial’ issues, which in reality are biblical principles that need to be taught regularly.
Is 56:10: “His watchmen are blind: … they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; … they are greedy dogs … they all look to their own way, every one for his gain,”
Yet, as pointed out here, placing the blame on pastors does not exempt the flock from choosing obediently to put aside ungodly practices of habit, faith and conduct to reverse apostasy.
Jer 29:13 “ye shall … find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Great Sermon! This sermon is a must hear for all who name the name of Christ, particularly those who stand in the pulpits. How sad to see this country fall into a state of moral corruption, yet we know that only means one thing.....Christ is coming! This sermon is filled with truth and is indeed a blessing, thank you Pastor Jacowitz
Great Sermon! I have been listening to Pastor Joe for some 3 years and you speak the truth! Our Lord has used you to instruct me several times at key points in my life, and He has done so again with this great message. I am returning to Nigeria next April after decades living in Europe and I pray God will open a door for me to help extend your messages/ministry there. Thank you yet again for your faithfulness, and God bless you.
Great Sermon! I was praying and asking God to give me clarification about
the so called "new age movement" . I believe your teaching provided exactly what I needed to know. I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished listening to the sermons I had close friends with whom I had shared fellworship in the House of God. We are no longer together since they departed from the Truth and joined this "new movement" practicing odd rituals and claiming like they are" seeing angels , command the rain to stop and sharing gift by holding hands....). I am truly touched by the timeless Truth contained in your teachigs and I would like to get your books and other materials to nurture my Spiritual growth and discern the Truth. Please let me know how I can obtain these resources.
Please feel free to use my emails.
I thank you so much.
Sis in Christ
Great Sermon! Odd that critique by those scholars. I've always thought this a brilliant discourse by Paul. So profound. So concise. And that to my English only hearing ears. I really enjoyed this. Thank you. Most interesting.
Great Sermon! Parts one and this part two are disturbing to learn that the tenticals of this is already in the church. To be honest, in my ignorance, I thought new age stuff was in the past only to learn it was just sleeping for a more opportune time like now. Tho disturbing, a very good heads up to true believers whose heart desire is to know truth and to be shielded from error and deception. Thank you.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent teaching! As well, Pastor Smith shares some of his amazing testimony. I am sure the second part will be equally great!