Thank you Reverend Ruddell I have appreciated your sermons on the unity of the church, and particularly the application of Ephesians 4 regarding Christ’s ascension gifts, the teaching office of the church. And that this is the means to unity, given to the church. How we need to pray for the teaching office! Thank you again.
Powerful message Convicting but also comforting. A good reminder for those who say there is no gospel in the Old Testament. May our Lord be magnified in all of His glorious ways and give us hearts that earnestly seek His glory.
A Must Listen To Sermon! This is a very important sermon on the topic of Saving Faith. In an age of many counterfeit gospels, and false faiths, Rev. Ruddell has, relying upon Scripture and the old foundations, set forth in this sermon, a biblically accurate and passionate picture of what Justifying Faith entails. Please listen to this sermon, it is an important message in our day!
Thank you We were sorry to be home with sickness this Lord's day. But we're so thankful to be able to hear this message at home. Thank you for your labors. Thank you for the encouragement towards faithful attentiveness.
Great Sermon! The truth of the matter is that though we don't use icons to mediate between God and ourselves, Jesus is not exalted in an honorable manner in worship services. Beholding him as in a mirror, we are changed into his image.
So then, why don't we look like the representatives of Christ? It is because the world has its icons in entertainment, etc. and we strive to look and behave like the entertainer. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Cosmetic industries are more effective than we realize - causing us to strive for bigger fig leaves.
Great Sermon! This message will jar many Christians to get busy and study the Holy Scriptures regularly and not just coast along. It's easy to be on the lazy side when we get too complacent because times seem good to us. The blessedness of Jesus Christ should drive us to do our duty to know Him better.
Great Sermon! a strong continuation from part 1 showing the sometimes foolishness of the people's choices for worshipping God, even when it's totally non Scriptural. But as humans, if we don't follow God through prophets or the Holy Scriptures, we continue to make huge errors and cause us problems.
Powerful Insightful Sermon! This message delves deeply into areas that many people are creating problems for themselves by trying to make some sort of image of God -- I see this as one that not only views physical objects that people accept into their spiritual life, but also I believe one must go deeper and look at their conscious and unconscious mind and see what you are creating within your mind. That too can be anti-God. This message has deep implications on worshipping God properly. An excellent, deep message. Thank you Brother Todd Ruddell.
Great Sermon! Thank you. Thoroughly enjoying this series. Learning and being challenged.
Lord bless you as you are a blessing to us, pastor.
Bill and Grace
The Good News This is one of those passages of Scripture that I worked on memorizing, since it summarizes the gospel so succinctly. I agree about Rev. Plummer - tell us how you feel. Haha!
America consumes so much death through their entertainment (books, music, film, games, etc), but get so far away from it in real life. No matter how numb we become to it in media, we still are never prepared for it in real life apart from the comforting truth of Scripture. Even then, it is very hard.
Praise God for the two words, "but God"! Death has lost its sting. As you say, we didn't have "a lotta help" though.
Calvinism vs Fatalism A lot better the second time through. Missed some of the bigger points due to my kiddos distracting me. Good points on why Calvinism is not fatalism, and how God uses means. Exposed mysin of idolizing those means over Christ at the end. I have to be on guard for that. Thank you for your labors!
Images, Icons Show Hatred to God, Not Love Historically, Baptists used to hold to the same principles regarding worship as the Westminster Confession and Catechism too. It used to be that Baptists would never put crosses or spires on their Church Meeting places either for this same reason, and certainly never Christmas trees, nor pictures of "Jesus", nor holiday idols called manger scenes.
"... But the acceptable way of worshipping the true God, is instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be worshipped according to the imagination and devices of men, nor the suggestions of Satan, under any visible representations, **or any other way not prescribed in the Holy Scriptures**."
- 1689 London Baptist Confession, also adopted by Charleston Baptist Assoc. of South Carolina in the 1700s.
Important Sermon! Very relevant as to what God desires rather than the vain desires of churches today. And even more relevant during this season of great superstition as we approach closer to what is blasphemously called Christmas, largely by professing Christians. Dare we talk about the use of decorated trees, and quite a few in churches? Pray tell, what example of do we have in scripture of this, other than from the heathen nations and Babylon's idolatry?
The Second Commandment cannot be of "secondary importance", without considering the grave threat, from God himself, in the commandment. Should we provoke God while claiming to worship the Son?