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Charles Stewart Ministries
Dr. Charles A. Stewart  |  Fort Worth, Texas
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"Great Sermon!"
Michael Garcia from SF Bay Area
Rev 3:10 the word - keep - doesn't mean raptured or caught up. It means to guard, to take care of, attend to. People always use...
Dr. Charles A. Stewart | The Second Coming
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Sermon2/12/06 1:20 PM
T. Sardina from Washington  
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How Satan Gets Into Your Head
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon gives great instruction on discerning the negative, defeating thoughts that are in all of our hearts(minds).

Sermon12/27/05 12:44 AM
Mary from Kent, WA  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a miracle in itself. A pastor preaching something other than pre-trib. I have been shunned by so many of my brothers and sisters for saying that the pretrib rapture is not biblically sound. It blesses my heart also of the many people that are beginning to read the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to teach them God's Truth. In Deuteronomy 8:3. Moses teaches the Children of Israel that they must live by "every" word that proceeds from the mouth of God. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus tells the same thing to the devil. We must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, that which is told in His Word. I only have one question that still has not been answered by any pretribber to which I have asked this question. Please tell me the Scripture that says that Jesus will come before the great tribulation. As a friend told me, If its not in the Word, its not meant to be heard. Blessings to you Pastor Stewart you will be blessed. Send some of those mighty men of valor to the Northwest. Dr. Stewart comments: Thanks, Mary, for your kind words. Actually, I had the joy of preaching a revival in Hamilton, WA several years ago. I loved both your state and the wonderful people I met there! Blessings all!

Sermon11/22/05 9:34 AM
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth ”
I started listening to the sermon--got about 1/4 through it--then turned it off and just read my Bible--the scriptures that were referenced in the message. Might come back and listen more--but what I would recommend people do if they question someone's teaching is to be a Biblical Berean--study the scriptures for themselves-- BTW--I am a pre-tribualtionist/pre-millennialist--a born again Jewish believer in Jesus my personal Saviour and Lord. Also--the Church has not replaced Israel --Israel is still God's "covenant people"--His "earthly" people. The Church is the Bride of Christ, and His "heavenly people". God did not promise an earthly Kingdom to the Church. Dr. Stewart responds: Thanks, Linda, for your comments. I, too, agree that Israel is God's unique, covenant people. I reject Replacement Theology completely. However, the early Church Fathers (and I believe Jesus and Paul) all seem to expect the Bride of Christ to join Israel in the Great Tribulation. I challenge you to read Mat. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Following Jesus' chronology, the Rapture and ingathering of Believers definitely follows the Great Tribulation. The more we get back to the clear meaning of the words of the New Testament, the more compelling is the Post-Trib position.

Sermon10/24/05 2:35 PM
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Why Allah Cannot be the God of the Bible
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pretty informative message about the differences between Christianity and the Islamic religion. It's real easy for those who do not study the bible, to get the two beliefs mixed up, and become confused. But Dr. Stewart puts it straight, and points out the contrast between the two. Great word in this clip. God bless you, and future listeners.

Sermon10/3/05 8:55 PM
Amy and Lito Pingol from China  Contact via email
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Four Secrets for Effective Praying
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
It was a good sermon. The points were very enligthen and practical to apply for our daily communion with our Father to get the best result in our prayer. Sometimes we have neglected these very important aspects of prayer and end up into frustration...but thanks for the four secrets that had been revealed to us.

Sermon9/19/05 9:20 AM
Tracie Hall from North Carolina  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Agreement with George Luechauer ”
I agree wholeheartedly with George...I have learned however, that it is best not to argue this point. True christians should be more concerned with abiding in Christ Jesus at this time so that we are producing much fruit and showing Christ to a lost world and an increasingly growing apostate church who is showing the world more and more that the true gospel is not the answer. By living the gospel, Christ will convince other of the truth through us; not through useless debating. It's time we start loving one another. Christ's coming is indeed soon!

Sermon9/16/05 11:34 AM
George Luechauer from Virginia  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Interesting, but...! ”
This is what happens when one abandons “rightly dividing the word of truth,” in this case failing to understand the dispensational differences between God’s plan for Israel and His plan for the church. The events described in 1 Thess. 4 and 1 Cor. 15 are vastly different from Matthew 24. Why—Jesus was not teaching the rapture, he was addressing the nation of Israel. In Luke 4 Jesus already taught the Jews that God was going to temporarily set aside the nation of Israel and work through a predominately gentile church until it was time to restore Israel and establish the promised earthly Kingdom. Matthew 24 describes how that will happen. Jesus sent Paul to explain the “mystery” of the Church Age including the rapture. Dr. Stewart responds: Thanks, George, for listening to the message. You have done an excellent job of restating the standard reaction of dispensationalism to the post-tribulation rapture position. I recently read the excellent doctoral dissertation by Professor William Bell in which he compared Matthew 24 and 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11. I was amazed to see Dr. Bell demonstrate that Paul in the "Rapture Passage" actually followed Jesus' chronology of events and subject matter given in Matthew 24! If Dr. Bell is correct, well, I think you can see the implications.

Sermon8/29/05 5:28 AM
Bernard D Kimmel from Lansing, Michigan  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
When I first became a believer my heart was inclined to a midtrib salvation.I was introduced to a website www.tip.org that has been the explanation I seeked for understanding. Thank you Dr. Stewart for having the courage to preach against the accepted flow of the organized church. With all of the actions taken across the world against believers I fail to understand how any preacher can justify preaching of a pretrib rapture. A pretrib rapture message is a clear slap in the face to our brothers and sisters who have been and are suffering for the cause of Christ.But they would never say so because (I believe) that message is part of the martyrdom they suffer. May GOD continue to give them strength and the courage to face the trials that the rest of us have (so far) escaped.May HE also prepare our hearts for the time we will.

Sermon8/19/05 10:35 PM
Timothy from Canberra, Australia  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Halleluja ”
Good to hear Dr Stewart prepared to preach this message. I came to the Lord 7 years ago so much of the teaching I hear is from a pre trib rapture perspective. As entertaining as this "left behind" view is I have allready come to the conclusion that pre trib rapture is a cop out teaching. Surely anyone who is eager to understand our God and His ways will know that trials and tribulations are part of the Christian walk. You can analyse the texts and the meanings and study it til your blue in the face but I believe God will impart understanding to your spirit on this issue. Why for 2 thousand years faithfull saints of God have suffered at the hands of men, why now in this generation of Christianity are we to be delivered from trial. God is into the salvation of souls and this tribulation period offers perhaps the greatest opportunity for evangelization that the world will ever know. I expect to be there right up until the "day of wrath". This day we will not endure as God has not appointed us to wrath. Amen to this message, may there be more.

Sermon8/19/05 10:45 AM
dean from oklahoma city  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you, Dr. Stewart. I have been pre-trib taught all my church life(34years). Only after I genuinely accepted Christ's finished work by the Grace of God have I truly read the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit to illumuine God's word. I also have come to the conclusion that all of the twisted explanations and complicated timelines are totally and completely uncalled for if one reads the Scripture without one's pre-trib lenses on. I am still a Baptist for the missions focus but I find it difficult to bite my tongue when 99% plus of my Sunday School members will not even take a cursory look with an open mind at what the Word of God truly says comcerning the Second Coming of Christ. It never ceases to amaze me why people are so afraid of what the Bible clearly shows instead of what Tim Lahaye and the like sell. I just do not understand the division of the Body of Christ that is so clearly anti-biblical. This point alone made me doubt the Darbyism in the chruch. That led me to look at the second coming and I clearly see only 1 return with 1 judgement with the unredeemed being the first to be judged(Matt. 13). It would seem to me that to let the Scriptures speak to the subject versus the charts of man. I am so thankful for Christ and hate to see such division of Him.

Sermon8/15/05 6:30 PM
Tim from Maine  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Dr. Stewart for addressing this topic. (Especially from this viewpoint, it is rare!) My Pastor and I often talk quietly about this topic... both feeling the tribulation will probably be mid or post trib. But most do not feel this way. I am very much looking forward to hearing what your study of the scriptures has revealed to you! Thanks again... and God Bless!

Sermon8/13/05 9:22 AM
Sam from Florida  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ The Olive Tree is Christ! ”
Sam comments: The speaker says that one of the big factors that leads dispensationalists to believe in a pre-trib rapture is that they separate Israel from the church...he then goes on to say that...we, the church, are grafted into the tree, which is Abraham, or Israel. Sir, please re-read the chapter. It never says we are grafted into Israel... I'm sorry, but I don't want to be grafted into Israel, I want to be grafted into CHRIST... Dr. Stewart responds: The Olive tree is an OT symbol for Abraham and his offspring. Jesus is the Vine. Regarding Romans 11, John MacArthur writes, "Root-the Partiarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...the Olive Tree-the place of divine blessing; God's covenant of salvation made with Abraham." (his Study Bible). Note that he did not say "Christ is the Olive or Christ is the root." F.F. Bruce: "The olive is Israel, the people of God" (Tyndale N.T.Commentary). Robert Haldane: "The Jewish nation was God's olive tree...whose root Abraham was..." (Commentary). Sandy & Headlam: "The root or stock = the Patriarchs for whose faith originally Israel was chosen" (ICC). John Murry: "Gentiles are reminded that they draw all the grace they enjoy from the tree whose root is Israel's patriarchs" (NIC). I hope you'll listen to rest of this message sometime, Sam.

Sermon8/12/05 8:55 PM
Darrell Hurley from NC  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was once a Pre-tribber until a mentor of mine showed me some books and told me to research it for myself. I did and am now convinced that the rapture will be "Prewrath" instead of the other views. Check out Marvin Rosenthal's Book, " The Prewrath Rapture of the Church," or Robert Van Kampen's books on the rapture. Dr. Stewart adds: Thanks, Darrell, for being open to a different perspective on the rapture. The excellent book by Robert Van Kampen is entitled, "The Sign" (Crossway Books). Don't forget Robert Gundry's scholarly book on the posttribulation rapture, "The Church and the Tribulation" (Zondervan). Many Dallas Theological Seminary students, I have been told, have found Dr. Gundry's book particular convincing. By the way, Marvin Rosenthal's book is published by Thomas Nelson. All three books are available in paperback now and can be purchased at Amazon.com or from your favorite online bookseller. Pre-tribbers would do especially well to have Gundry's book in their personal library. No one should ever fear discovering the Truth of God's Word, whatever that Truth might pertain to. I am delighted that finally scholars and Bible students are discussing all three of the rapture positions, not just the Pre-Trib position.

Sermon8/12/05 3:57 PM
William Conley from Baltimore, MD  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ ???????????? ”
We are told to live for Christ every day. If we do that we don't have to worry when the rapture takes place. So what if we have to go through it. Didn't Christ promise to take care of us. I sincerely believe that he will be with us through anything that the devil will put us through. Noah went through the flood with no problems, Lot and his family were pulled out of Sodom & Gomorrah and we will be protected through the tribulation if we are still here.

Sermon8/12/05 3:00 PM
faarke from Belgium  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Bro. Carter ”
Bro. Carter. We christians are not justified by the law, but by the faith in Jesus Christ. If we really love Jesus christ and want ( will is extremely important) to follow Him, we will leave this world and it's desires behind us. If we are truly followers of Him, we CAN'T put ourselves to such a choice. If we love Him, we cannot take a sabbatical. Communion with Him makes us to turn from our wicked ways. Ps: what if something happened to you before the rapture ?

Sermon8/12/05 9:39 AM
RosaMarie  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am beginning to lean towards a post-tribulation Rapture myself. When the Lord returns, it will be as in the days of Noah. I understand that to mean that not only will sin be rampant as it was in Noah's day, but there will be as few believers as in Noah's day. The Great Tribulation will see the slaughter of Christians and will divide the wheat from the tares.

Sermon8/12/05 9:10 AM
Leon from Atlanta  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Haven't listened yet ”
I haven't yet listened to this sermon but I wanted to ask one question of the people who believe in a pre-trib rapture: What if you are wrong? I am preparing for the worst (going through the tribulation) but hoping for the best (I want the rapture to happen before the tribulation, but I cannot see it happening from a scriptural point of view).

Sermon8/12/05 5:36 AM
faarke from Belgium  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Here I am again ”
Dear Mr. Stewart. I mentioned that you never really answered my questions, neither invalidated them, but each time you pointed towards other arguments. Dr. Stewart responds: My friend, on the contrary, I have appealed to the Biblical context and the historical context to demonstrate that the post-trib rapture is not inconsistent with Jesus' statement of Mat. 24:32-51. Faarke continues: Jesus says that his coming will be as in the days of Noah: people continue on living thear lives as if there's no threat ( they eat, drink, marry...) This doesn't really fit the image of the anti-christ reign over the earth, tribulation, plagues, persecution... Dr. Stewart responds: Peter tells us that Noah preached righteousness and warned his neighbors of the impending judgment(2 Pet. 2:5), but they refused to take him seriously. These people should have known the season of judgment had arrived because the ark was finally finished, and the animals were coming in! What they did not know was the specific day or hour the rains would begin. We, too, are to note the signs of the times. Can we agree that Noah actually went through the flood? The ark is an excellent picture, therefore, of God's faithful provision for getting His people safely through the tribulation. Bless you!

Sermon8/12/05 2:57 AM
Bro. Carter from Los Angeles, CA  
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Carter writes: My personal opinion is this. If there is no pre-tribulation rapture, and I as a dedicated Christian am forced to endure the tribulation, why am I serving God right now? Why don't I take a sabbatical and throw my lot in with the world and enjoy all Satan has to offer? Then during the tribulation end my sabbatical and get back in line? That would be a waste if I must endure the tribulation. Brother Stewart responds: To all dedicated Christians Titus 2:11-15 says, "For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in this present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you." And to any who might desire a sabbatical from righteousness during life's tough times, Jesus says, "I know your tribulation and your poverty...do not fear what you are about to suffer...be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life" (Rev.2:8-11). Amen.

Sermon8/11/05 6:55 PM
faarke from Belgium  Contact via email
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My Mistake-Embracing The Pretrib Rapture
Dr. Charles A. Stewart
“ Dear Brothers ”
Mr. Stewart...In the old testament Daniël gives a detailled outline of what will happen in the end of times, but he also says exactly how long this will be and gives the exact number of days. So if there would be a post-tribulation rapture, we would know exactly on which day Jesus would come back... Dr. Stewart responds: Interesting, isn't it, Faarke, that Daniel predicted the exact season of Messiah's first coming and His second, yet Jesus said that no man knows the day or the hour of His return. The feasts of Israel also are prophetic, indicating the season of Jesus' first coming and His second. Jesus fulfilled in His first coming the feasts of Passover, Unleaven Bread, First Fruits, and Pentecost-all on exactly the day appointed by God. It makes sense that He will fulfill the Fall feasts in His return, doesn't it? It is likely that our Lord will rapture the church at the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanna). Interestingly, knowing the season, "no man ever knows the exact day or hour" this holiday will begin each year (when the new moon will be visually spotted), so the Jews traditionally have marked two days on their calendars for the Feast of Trumpets. Understanding Jewish culture helps us here to understand both Jesus' words and the writings of the prophets. Both are true.

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