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Riverside Christian Fellowship
J. D. Hatfield  |  Hernando, Florida
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(352) 400-2757
Riverside Christian Fellowship
7771 N Carl G Rose Hwy
Hernando, FL 34442
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      Our Featured Article      
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/7/2010 | PDF Size: 121k | Views: 100+
The first part is about living in God's will. The second is about forgiving others who have wounded us, in situations where they repent, and when they cannot or will not.

      Articles on Church      

Why Church Membership?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
9/28/2010 | Size: 109k | Views: 60+
12 biblical reasons why the local church is vital for the life of each believer.

A Biblical Foundation
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/7/2010 | Size: 122k | Views: 60+
What we are going to learn are some basics about the truth, power, and sufficiency of scripture.

What is the Gospel?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
9/20/2010 | Size: 98k | Views: 60+
This deals with what the content of the saving gospel message is, and how it is accomplished.

Growing in Grace
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/8/2010 | Size: 95k | Views: 60+
This provides a basic framework of our sanctification, the indicatives of our growth, grounded in the gospel, and the imperatives of our growth, vitalized by...

God's Will / Forgiveness
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/7/2010 | Size: 121k | Views: 100+
The first part is about living in God's will. The second is about forgiving others who have wounded us, in situations where they repent, and when they cannot...

True Worship
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/21/2010 | Size: 109k | Views: 60+
True worship is concerned with doctrine, devotion, and demonstration. It is worshipping the right God, in the right way, and with the right heart.

Submission to Authority
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
8/30/2010 | Size: 109k | Views: 60+
This article deals with 5 spheres of submission and answers many related questions.

Church Discipline
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
9/6/2010 | Size: 104k | Views: 70+
Here we will explore the purpose, procedure, problems, and posture of discipline in the local church.

The Sovereignty of God
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
9/13/2010 | Size: 130k | Views: 70+
This doctrine, when properly understood, is comforting and reassuring. This doctrine, when not truthfully understood, can lead to all sorts of abuses.

Prayer & the Christian
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
9/19/2010 | Size: 127k | Views: 60+
Prayer can enrich our spirituality in a way nothing else can. Don't be overwhelmed by the subject of prayer, consider it an inexhaustible treasure.
      Articles on Practice      

Still the Small Voice?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
12/15/2008 | Size: 107k | Views: 100+
There is only one time in the whole Bible when God possibly spoke in a still small voice, and yet for some reason we have people trying and people teaching...

I Don't Agree with the Prayer of Agreement
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 84k | Views: 110+
Many who want to make more of the power of prayer than they ought will claim that this verse teaches something it does not. They will say that if two or more...

Speaking in Tongues
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 65k | Views: 120+
There is always so much talk about tongues, are they real, are they fake, or are they demonic?

The Power of Praise?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 49k | Views: 90+
Many people talk of or teach on the power of praise. They often use this passage from 2 Chronicles to prove their point. Now there may be a power of praise,...

Who are You to Judge?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 49k | Views: 100+
The whole idea that we are not supposed to judge ideas, behavior, doctrine, faith and practice is more than ludicrous, it is lawlessness.
      Articles on Theology      

Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 68k | Views: 90+
There are many false Christs out there and false doctrines about the true Christ. What we want to do here is to explain some of these Christological heresies.

Eternal Economy
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 47k | Views: 100+
Although the Trinity as a doctrine is not discussed as explicitly as we might like within the New Testament it is certainly woven into the fabric throughout...
      Christian Living      

God's New Year's Resolution
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
1/1/2009 | Size: 495k | Views: 110+
Too often, resolutions are about our will but we are supposed to be concerned with Gods will. We are trying to triumph over our own selves when we should be...

Living the Beautiful Life
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
12/19/2008 | Size: 228k | Views: 100+
Christianity is not the way to the beautiful life it is the beautiful life wherever it is found in truth. Jesus is beautiful so we can live the beautiful life...

Solving the Identity Crisis
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
11/17/2008 | Size: 175k | Views: 110+
Unfortunately, most in the Church today have no perception of who and what they really are in Christ. It would seem that there are four chief reasons for...

The Prayers of Paul
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
12/30/2008 | Size: 206k | Views: 100+
This is what I pray for your new year...

Can You See What I Am Saying?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
12/10/2008 | Size: 115k | Views: 90+
They will say that there are blind eyes being opened, and things like that. Well, my wonder is that I wonder if, in light of the biblical record, you have ever...

A Talk with Timothy
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
11/18/2008 | Size: 108k | Views: 100+
If we could somehow have five minutes alone with Timothy and if he was exhorting us to fulfill our calling in the Lord, we can be sure as scripture that he...

Obama the New Age Messiah?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/21/2008 | Size: 155k | Views: 160+
This post by Pastor J.D. Hatfield is not really about Obama, per se, it is actually a refutation of pantheism and panentheism as the basis for inclusivism. In...

Enough is Enough
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 55k | Views: 110+
When people don't get rooted and grounded in scripture, when they do not have their foundation for faith and practice established, they will use the Bible like...

The Edge
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 74k | Views: 100+
Too often Christianity or Christian principles are sold as the key to getting ahead in life.

Yes HE Can!
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/30/2008 | Size: 75k | Views: 100+
Are you rallying behind some political movement, some humanistic spirituality that says, yes we can? Can we save the world, can we save our children, can we...

How Could He?
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 53k | Views: 110+
How can God be so good when He ordered His people to slaughter innocent babies? If He is loving and righteous, how could He?

The Missing Ingredient
Pastor J.D. Hatfield
10/22/2008 | Size: 48k | Views: 90+
The missing ingredient in many gospels or gospel presentations is the fact that we are bound by sin, dead in sin, and slaves to sin. Salvation is from sin and...

Dr. Curt D. Daniel
Seven Things Not in Heaven

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Demonic Locusts

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