Imagine that you died today and were brought face to face with God at the gate of heaven. If He asked you the question, "Why should I let you into heaven?" what would you say? Would you reply, in so many words, that you had lived a decent life,...
Dr. Alan Cairns7/7/2008 | Size: 90k | Views: 3,690+
[Christ is] a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. But ye...
Dr. Alan Cairns7/7/2008 | Size: 67k | Views: 5,180+
Dr. Billy Graham constantly appeals to the Bible as the authority for his teaching. "The Bible says" is one of his most used expressions. It is good to make...
Dr. Bert Oately-Willis, Toronto7/7/2008 | Size: 92k | Views: 700+
Events have moved rapidly in the last thirty years. We have passed through Higher Criticism, liberalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, ecumenism, New Evangelicalism, and the...
Dr. Alan Cairns7/7/2008 | Size: 73k | Views: 2,770+
Jesus Christ Superstar is a rock opera about the last seven days of the life of Christ before His crucifixion. Critics have given it rave reviews. Even some...
Imagine that you died today and were brought face to face with God at the gate of heaven. If He asked you the question, "Why should I let you into heaven?"...
CAN anyone really ever be ready for death? Are you one of the millions who hate to talk about it? Would you do anything to avoid thinking about it? Or have you...