The Purpose of our church is to glorify the God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ our Lord. We believe that in giving us the Holy Bible, God gave it that we might know it and live by it so that we would be godly and faithful to Him. We believe that what the Bible teaches doctrinally is best summarized in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. It is our desire to have a reverent worship and to have the preaching of God's Word be the center of that worship. We also love fellowship with each other and pray that Christ's kingdom would be extended through our witness. Come and learn the way of the Lord and join in our efforts to promote Christ's glory and the salvation which is found in Him alone.
Primary Speaker: Paul RendallPastor Paul Rendall was born in November of 1951, and grew up in Davenport, Iowa. He went to college at Drake University and the University of Iowa where he received a B.A. degree in Social Work and History in 1974. Paul searched for truth in all the wrong... | more..
Writing from the perspective of a small church with members and others coming to us from other communities an hour away from us, or more, SermonAudio is a very good way for people who have a computer to keep track of sermons that I have preached. A person or family may not have been able to attend the services because of weather, but they can still listen. It is also a great blessing to be able to listen to the preaching of other men, both contemporary and those who are now in glory with our Lord. May the Lord bless the efforts of those who are putting all this sermonic material on line.