We as a congregation endeavor to cater for the spiritual needs of all ages (children, teenagers, right up to the most senior member of our society). Without apology we stand against the evil deception of the ecumenical movement and call God's people to Bible separation. We love the Lord, we preach His Word, we proclaim cleansing through His precious Blood. Why don't you and your family visit us and see and hear for yourself.
Primary Speaker: Rev Ryan McKee
-- sermons by speaker -- Abernethy, Darryl 1 Abraham, Geoffrey 2 Allen, Austin 6 Anderson, Simon 2 Backhurst, Paul A. 1 Baker, Patrick 2 Barnes, Stanley 9 Baxter, Maurice 1 Baxter, Trevor 6 Beggs, James 5 Berry, Philip 19 Blaire, Catherine 1 Boyd, Lyle 1 Brooks, Jeremy 2 Brown, Ian 4 Brown, Kate 1 Cairns, Alan 2 Campbell, Gregory 1 Carrick, Zoe 1 College, Crown 1 Cooke, Bert 1 Cooke, Gordon 4 Cranston, Reginald 36 Crawford, Matt 1 Crawford, Stephen 10 Creane, David 1 Curran, Leslie 3 Dane, Gordon 4 Daniels, Johnny 6 Douglas, John 15 Dunagan, Anne 1 Eccles, Jonathan 2 Eccles, Matthew 1 Elder, Logan 1 Elliott, Ken 9 Erwin, Derek 26 Fat, Valentin 1 Ferguson, Gordon 2 Ferguson, Paul 12 Fitton, Samuel 1 Fitzsimons, Aaron 2 Fleming, Jacqueline 1 Foster, Craig 1 Foster, Paul 7 Gardiner, Philip 1 Gibson, Gregory 3 Gillespie, Gillian 1 Glass, Sam 1 Goligher, Ian 6 Goodes, Gary 1 Graham, Wesley 1 Gray, John 3 Greenfield, Fred 9 Greer, John 7 Greer, Stephen 17 Gregg, James 1 Hamilton, Glenn 19 Hanna, John 1 Hanna, Paul 1 Harris, Ian 2 Henry, Elizabeth 1 Higgins, Matthew 5 Higginson, Roger 15 Houston, Sam 1 Hughes, Noel 1 Hunter, Matthew 1 Irwin, Andrew 2 Johnston, David 1 Johnstone, Ron 13 Jordan, Jonathan 7 Kelly, Leighton 1 Kennedy, Adam 1 Kennedy, John 1 Kenny, Ian 1 Killen, Chris 13 Kingsbury, Paul 19 Knowles, Philip 2 Law, Judith 1 Law, Stephen 1 Lecky, Marcus 4 Leigh, George 1 Linden, David 1 Linden, David 3 Lorimer, Brian 3 Lorimer, Jenna 1 Loughrin, Ian 4 Lucas, Graham 1 Martin, Joe 1 Martin, Thomas 21 Maxwell, Colin 2 Maxwell, Olive 1 Maxwell, Victor 3 McBride, William 1 McClean, Stephen 1 McClung, Brian 1 McCrea, Stephen 8 McCrea, William 893 McDermott, William 2 McDowell, Wesley 2 McIntyre, Peter 1 McKee, Colin 1 McKee, Ryan 637 McLeod, Kevin 2 McLernon, Raymond 2 McManus, Paul 1 McMillan, David 11 McVeigh, Nathan 1 Mercer, Colin 5 Meredith, David 1 Millar, Naomi 1 Millen, Philip 1 Mirrando, Mark 1 Moffatt, Joshua 1 Moffatt, Michael 1 Montgomery, Leanne 1 Moore, David 1 Moore, Joyce 1 Moore, Phillip 1 Morrow, John 19 Morrow, Raymond 3 Mullins, Levi 2 Murray, Andrew 1 Murray, Karen 1 Murray, Samuel 3 Murray, Sid 2 Murray, Thomas 5 Nelson, Stephen 3 Nelson, Timothy 2 O'Gorman, Dave 1 Ormerod, Robert 1 Orr, Christopher 1 Paisley, Eileen 1 Paisley, Ian R. K. 2 Palmer, Robert 1 Park, David 2 Patrick, Michael 4 Patterson, Andrew 2 Patterson, Julian 2 Pollock, Stephen 2 Poots, Edwin 1 Power, Larry 2 Salt, Cairin 1 Saunders, Jill 1 Saunders, Larry 1 Scott, Fred 1 Sexton, Clarence 5 Simpson, Andrew 7 Smith, David 3 Smylie, Alan 7 Smyth, Everett 1 Stevenson, Noel 4 Stewart, Aaron 1 Stewart, Alan 'Alfie' 1 Stewart, Andrew 9 Stewart, Barry 2 Stewart, David 27 Stewart, Roy 6 Stewart, Ruth 1 Storey, Jonathan 15 Taggart, Hill 1 Thomassian, Armen 1 Thompson, Paul (Antrim) 4 Turpin, Simon 2 Webster, Callum 2 Wenlock, Kyle 2 Whiteside, Jonathan 1 Wilkinson, Glenn 1 Wilson, David 1 Wilson, Garth 1 Wilson, Lindsay 4 Woods, Bill 1 Wylie, Trevor 2 Zenker, James 3
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