The PRC have as their creeds the "Three Forms of Unity" -- the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic confession, and the Canons of Dordt. The PRC confess and proclaim the doctrines of double predestination; limited, effectual atonement; total depravity; irresistible grace; and the perseverance of saints, as fundamental truths of the gospel of grace.
Primary Speaker: Rev. Arend Haveman
-- sermons by speaker -- Barnhill, Ryan 8 Bleyenberg, Heath 4 Bruinsma, Wilbur 10 Brummel, Allen 13 Cammenga, Ronald 34 DeBoer, Matthew 10 Decker, Nate 4 Decker, Robert 5 den Hartog, Arie 4 DeVries, Michael 4 Dykstra, Russell 12 Engelsma, D. 5 Engelsma, Joshua 15 Eriks, Garrett 13 Feenstra, Brian 2 Griess, C. 3 Griess, Cory 16 Gritters, Barry 8 Guichelaar, Erik 27 Haak, Carl 8 Hanko, Herman 1 Hanko, Ron 10 Haveman, Arend 32 Holstege, Daniel 3 Holstege, Joe 8 Houck, Steven 3 Huizinga, Brian 6 Ibe, Vernon 4 Key, Steven 1154 Kleyn, Daniel 7 Kleyn, Rodney 8 Koerner, Matthew 4 Koole, Kenneth 34 Kortus, Matt 17 Kuiper, Douglas 5 Kuiper, Douglas 11 Langerak, Jonathan 11 Langerak, William 3 Laning, James 12 Lanning, Andrew 4 Lee, Dennis 2 Maatman, Jacob 1 Mahtani, Jon 2 Marcus, John 11 McGeown, Martyn 7 Miersma, Thomas 10 Regnerus, Stephan 4 Regnerus, Stephen 3 Slopsema, James 3 Smit, R. 2 Smit, Richard 8 Spriensma, Audred 2 Spronk, Clayton 4 Stewart, Angus 8 Van Overloop, Ronald 1
Vacant Pulpit
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December 2010