Hampton Park's purpose is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by helping Christians grow closer to God and to one another through the study of His Word and obedience to its precepts and by seeking every opportunity to give the gospel to all who are not Christians both in the Greenville area and around the world.
Service Times
Sunday 10:30am & 5:30pm
Primary Speaker: Dr. J. Drew ConleyDrew Conley accepted a call to be the senior pastor of Hampton Park Baptist Church in 2002. Pastor Conley, who earned a Ph.D. in Theology from Bob Jones University, came to Hampton Park from the Columbia, South Carolina, metropolitan area where he planted the... | more..
One of the things I do each Monday morning is upload our sermons to Sermon Audio, so I’m pretty familiar with it. The main way we use Sermon Audio is as an archive for all of our sermons. One thing I like about that is that I can look up sermons from 15+ years ago! I really enjoy the various search features on the site: speaker, date, passage, etc. I also enjoy the ability to download mp3’s or mp4’s of the sermons. We appreciate Sermon Audio because it puts a vast resource of biblically based sermons in the hands of our people.