Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. This means that we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge our total inability to save ourselves and, in faith, depend on Christ alone as our Savior. We acknowledge Him as Covenant Lord in every area of life, and we vow together to advance His Kingdom on earth.
Service Times
Lord's Day:
Sabbath School 9:30 AM
Morning Worship 10:45 AM
Evening Worship 5:00 PM
Primary Speaker: Bruce Backensto
-- sermons by speaker -- Adeyemi, Seni 9 Allen, Caleb S 1 B., Andrew 2 Backensto, Bruce 76 Barron, William 1 Blackwood, Edwin 46 Bloedow, Tim 8 Brace, Paul 3 Bradley, Steve 3 Brown, Charles A. 1 Brown, Mark 2 Bull, Josiah 4 Butterfield, Kent 2 Comin, Doug 11 Dennis, Kevin 2 Dentici, Joe 2 Derk, Carl 2 Dewell, Keith 2 Doster, Keith 1 Dotson, Zach 2 Dunlap, Joe 9 Edgar, Bill 1 England, Brent 9 England, D. Mark 3 Evans, Keith 4 Feagley, Jordan 6 Fearing, Ross 2 Gorden, Terry 6 Gregory, George 5 Groseclose, Win 6 Gunn, Gary 6 Hanson, David 586 Helton, Shane 14 Hemphill, Ryan 2 Holdeman, Richard 2 Housewright, Jason 2 Hughes, Owen 5 Ibarra, Edgar 2 International, Richard Smith,... 17 Johnston, David 2 Keddie, Gordon 3 Kiehl, Daniel 2 Kok, Daniel 2 Liu, Joey 3 Lowe, Duncan 11 Martin, J. Bruce 6 Martin, Paul 12 Martin, Titus 2 McBurney, Ken 4 McCheyne, Robert M. 2 McClain, Tim 3 McCracken, Sam 20 McKelvey, Michael 2 McKenzie, Stanley 4 McMillen, Jay 4 McNamee, Gary 2 Mierski, Matt 2 Miller, Courtney 1 Miller, Derek 1 Monteith, Martin 4 Mulder, Stephen 8 Myers, Christopher W. 2 Niess, Adam 2 Oles, Chuck 2 Olivetti, Jared 4 O'Neill, Jerry 1 Prakashpalan, Romesh 2 Rufener, Chris 5 Schneider, Bryan 6 Schwartz, Jake 5 Smith, Dean 5 Smith, Joshua M. 2 Smith, Ken 2 St. John, Russell 4 Stegeman, Dan 47 Stivason, Jeffrey A. 2 Tabaka, Alex 2 Turner, Trace 283 Valle, Angelo 3 Various Speakers 1 Villi, Chris 2 Welch, Stephen 2 Whitla, David 8 Wingfield, Gabriel 4 Wise, Ian 2
Vacant Pulpit
Yes. This church is currently seeking a pastor.
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Member Since
January 2008