Speaker: W. J. Mencarow
354 sermons
This is one of the most beautiful, profound, instructive, and comforting passages in the Bible.
>Introduction To Revelation - 10/22/2006 Understanding Revelation Pt 2 - 10/29/2006 Letter To Church At Ephesus - 11/19/2006 The Letter To Church At Smyrna - 11/26/2006 Toleration and Christianity - 12/3/2006 Letter To Church At Thyatira - 12/10/2006 7 Questions For Your Pastor - 12/17/2006 Science Cannot Discover Truth - 1/14/2007 Jesus Vomits Liberal Churches - 1/21/2007 The Foundation Of Revelation - 1/28/2007 Not A God Of Damage Control - 2/4/2007 The White Horse of Revelation - 2/11/2007 Are You A Pessimillennialist? - 2/18/2007 Why God Wills Martyrs - 2/25/2007 The Stars Fall To Earth - 3/4/2007 144,000? Jehovah's Witness Err - 3/11/2007 Understanding Revelation Pt 17 - 3/25/2007 Peace For God's People - 4/1/2007 Praying For The Wrath Of God - 6/17/2007 Revelation Trumpet Judgments - 7/8/2007 Islam In The Bible Pt. 1 - 7/22/2007 Islam In The Bible Pt. 2 - 8/5/2007 Islamic Armies Invade! - 8/6/2007 The Symbol Of The Reformation - 8/19/2007 Eating The Word Of God - 8/26/2007 Christianity vs. Humanism - 9/9/2007 The Death Rattle Of The Papacy - 9/16/2007 The 1260 Days Of Revelation - 9/23/2007 The Two Witnesses Of Rev. Pt 1 - 9/30/2007 The Two Witnesses Pt 2 - 10/14/2007 The Ideal Christian Candidate - 10/21/2007 Do You Breathe Fire? - 11/4/2007 Prophesy Fulfilled To The Day! - 11/11/2007 Prophecy Fulfilled To The Word - 11/25/2007 The Victory of the Reformation - 12/23/2007 The Rage Of Antichrist - 1/13/2008 Antichrist Rages In England - 1/20/2008 The 7th Trumpet Sounds! Pt 1 - 1/27/2008 The 7th Trumpet Sounds! Pt 2 - 2/3/2008 Great Red Dragon Of Revelation - 2/17/2008 The Woman and Child of Rev. 12 - 2/23/2008 A Time, Times & Half A Time - 3/2/2008 How The Church Was Hijacked - 3/16/2008 The First Beast Of Rev. 13 - 4/6/2008 1st Beast Of Revelation 13 - 4/20/2008 2nd Beast Of Revelation 13 - 5/4/2008 2nd Beast's Miracles & Wonders - 6/1/2008 The Mark of the Beast Pt. I - 6/15/2008 666 - The Number of the Beast - 7/17/2008 The Gospel Thunders - 8/31/2008 What The Gospel Is Not - 9/7/2008 The Reward of Patience - 9/14/2008 The Lord Comes For His People - 9/28/2008 The New World Order Destroyed - 10/19/2008 5 Vials Of Revelation Unveiled - 11/2/2008 Good News - One World Govt.! - 11/9/2008 Counterfeit Miracles - 12/7/2008 Who Gave Birth To Antichrist? - 1/11/2009 OT Prophecies of Christ - 2/1/2009 Armageddon! - 2/15/2009 Revelation 7th Vial Poured Out - 2/22/2009 Satan In The Protestant Church - 3/8/2009 The Whore Of Babylon Pt. I - 3/29/2009 The Whore Of Babylon Pt II - 5/17/2009 A Map Of The New World Order? - 6/7/2009 Babylon The Great Is Fallen! - 6/14/2009 Liberation Of The Nations - 7/5/2009 Whore Falls, Saints Rejoice - 10/18/2009 Marriage Supper of the Lamb - 11/22/2009 Will Satan Win On Earth? - 11/29/2009 7 Reasons Not To Worship Angel - 12/6/2009 The First Resurrection Pt I - 1/17/2010 The First Resurrection, Pt II - 2/7/2010 The Binding Of Satan - 3/14/2010 Premillennialism & Scripture - 5/16/2010 Amillennialism & Scripture - 6/6/2010 Postmillennialism & Scripture - 6/20/2010 Know The Evil One - 7/4/2010 The Thrones of Rev. 20 - 7/18/2010 The Mark Of The Beast Pt II - 8/1/2010 Quick Summary of Millennialism - 11/14/2010 Events Of The Last Day - 11/14/2010 Satan Deceives The Nations I - 11/28/2010 Satan Deceives The Nations II - 12/5/2010 The Final Judgment Pt. I - 2/20/2011 The Final Judgment Pt II - 3/20/2011 Hell: Eternal Or Probationary? - 4/3/2011 Resurrection Not Reincarnation - 4/10/2011 Your New Life On The New Earth - 4/24/2011 What Do Those In Heaven Know? - 5/29/2011 God Shall Wipe Away All Tears - 6/5/2011 What Is Missing In Your Life? - 7/31/2011 The New Jerusalem Pt I - 9/4/2011 The New Jerusalem Pt II - 9/11/2011 History Unveils Prophecy - 11/13/2011 The Tree Of Life In New Earth - 12/11/2011 A Visit To Ephesus - 1/29/2012 A Visit To Smyrna/Polycarp - 2/5/2012 A Visit To Pergamos, Pt I - 2/26/2012 A Visit To Pergamos, Pt II - 3/4/2012 A Visit To Pergamos, Pt III - 3/11/2012 A Visit To Sardis, Pt I - 4/1/2012 A Visit To Sardis, Pt II - 4/22/2012 Evolution & Pentecostalism... - 5/6/2012 Church At Philadelphia Pt II - 5/27/2012 Who Are The True Jews? - 6/3/2012 Christ Hates Wimpiness - 6/10/2012 Did Jesus Call Himself God? - 8/12/2012 The Apostle John Sins Again! - 8/19/2012 Overcome! - 8/26/2012 Two Difficult Verses! - 9/2/2012 Works-Righteousness? - 9/9/2012 The Bright And Morning Star - 10/7/2012 Verse That SCARES Calvinists! - 10/16/2012 How We Got The Bible Pt. 1 - 10/28/2012 How We Got The Bible Pt 2 - 11/4/2012 How We Got The Bible Pt 3 - 11/11/2012
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