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Covenant Of Grace Protestant Reformed
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Spokane, WA 99217
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Rev. Angus Stewart
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Pentecostalism TV Debate
Gifts of the Spirit Today?
9/27/2007 (THU)
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Debate on Revelation TV between Rev. Angus Stewart and Rev. David Antwi on Reformed Cessationism vs. Charismaticism/Pentecostalism (27 September, 2007). For more see
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Rev. Angus Stewart
Pentecostalism TV Debate

Gifts of the Spirit Today?
Covenant Of Grace Protestant
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Rev. Angus Stewart
Pentecostalism TV Debate

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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Robert G. (4/24/2017)
from Louisiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord for your faithfulness, patience, and knowledge of the word. May this debate open the eyes of the deceived.

Hazi-Hammenuhoth (12/25/2015)
from Lancashire UK
“ Defence of the Truth ”
I listened to this debate with great interest. It was inspiring and humbling to hear Angus Stewart holding fast to the Word of God despite strong opposition. Holding fast to the truth and showing the meekness and gentleness of Christ was a beautiful testimony, Angus. What was very clear to me is the confusion that comes in when men inject their own thinking and reasoning into debates on Divine matters. Anyone watching this debate will be able to see this: one man who is confused, perplexed and in doubt; another who's words (although delivered with varied emotion and cadence) did not stand up to the scrutiny of Scripture - and a third, quietly spoken, who patiently expounded the Scriptures; based his whole argument solidly on the Word of God, and firmly but faithfully answered all the questions that were put to him. Thank God for His Word, and thank God there are persons today who will stand up and defend it faithfully.

DLockIContact via email (12/24/2015)
from North Carolina, USA
“ Amazing Grace! ”
Wow, God has granted you with some amazing patience, Pastor Stewart! Mr. Antwi's lack of self control is really astonishing. Not mention, this is the 2nd of your debates that I've seen so far and it seems as though the one who is supposed to be neutral always ends up arguing against you as well... smh... Let God be true and every man a liar. Praise God for your patience my brother and thank you for standing for the truth of God's word!

jude newmanContact via email (5/4/2014)
from queensland australia
“ Great Debate ”
Thank you Pastor Stewart, you nailed them as it was 2 against 1.Truth always wins I am a former pentecostal, and thankfully was led to the truth. I have seen many reformed Christians who believe muslims are seeing Jesus. I don't understand as more than any others they believe in God's sovereignty in salvation. Unless the Spirit draws us and opens our hearts to receive the Gospel, we will never be saved.Why would Jesus suddenly bypass the Biblical way to salvation and personally appear. They talk about all these signs and wonders, I say... where are they. People do get healed today but not through going to a so called faith healer. Blessings. Arggh, I'm sure you don't think it is impossible to raise people from the dead.

Michele ShumakerContact via email (8/31/2013)
from Bradenton, Florida
“ Praise God! ”
Thank you Pastor Stewart-how calm and gentle you were while clearly trying to explain the truth of Scripture to these very confused men. I pray for them since we know that only the precious Holy Spirit can lead those who are His into all truth. However, the Lord is pleased that you diligently and patiently opened the Word and dealt redemptively with their questions. I was raised in the Pentecostal tradition and the Holy Spirit led me eventually to love and believe the biblical doctrines of grace and the absolute sovereignty of God-He is able to sanctify and grow those who He truly regenerates. No one had to talk me out of my wrong pentecostal interpretations, God, the Holy Spirit convinced me of my error and is leading me on in truth and holiness-through trusted teachers to sanctification all the way to glorification one day! I thank God for faithful preachers like yourself who are not afraid to deal with tough challenges. May the Lord bless your ministry!

Samantha M (8/27/2013)
from Georgia
“ Great Debate! ”
Great job Pastor Stewart! ...I was shocked to hear Mr. Antwi go against the scripture and discounted what Peter and Paul stated, who was inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ to write -(Mr. Antwi used a KJV Bible for his false doctrine...unbelievable) ...

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  Rev. Angus Stewart
Rev. Angus Stewart is the pastor of the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena, N. Ireland, which has an extensive website with hundreds of audios, articles, translations, books, etc. (, plus many videos on YouTube ( He can be...

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