Joel Ellis | Mesa, Arizona
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Speaker: Joel Ellis
1,429 sermons
1 Corinthians 5:1-13 - An Overview of Church Discipline
>Thinking Biblically - Abortion - 9/27/2015 Ephesians 2:1-10 - 10/25/2015 Making God-Honoring Decisions - 11/1/2015 Psalm 33 - 11/15/2015 Psalm 119:97-104 - 12/27/2015 A More Disciplined Prayer Life - 1/3/2016 'For Auld Lang Syne?' - 1/10/2016 He, Himself, Is Our Peace - 2/14/2016 Trusting God When Life Hurts - 2/21/2016 Jesus' Resurrection - 3/27/2016 1 Kings 17:1-24 - 4/10/2016 Acts 2:36-47 - 4/10/2016 1 Samuel 11 - 4/17/2016 Deuteronomy 29-30 - 4/24/2016 Habakkuk - 5/8/2016 John 16:33 - 5/8/2016 Ascension & Session of Christ - 5/29/2016 Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10) - 6/10/2016 Paul and Dual-Citizenship - 6/12/2016 Learning to Pray the Psalter - 6/19/2016 Numbers 11 - 6/22/2016 1 Samuel - David and Goliath - 6/26/2016 Matthew 11:1-6 - Honest Doubt - 6/26/2016 Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses - 6/29/2016 Numbers 13-14 - 7/6/2016 A Tale of Two People - 7/31/2016 Simple, Sophisticated Gospel - 8/7/2016 Matthew 7:12; 22:35-40 - 8/21/2016 Jerusalem in Two Stories - 8/28/2016 Moral and Doctrinal Challenges - 8/28/2016 Habakkuk 3:1-19 - 9/4/2016 Psalm 109 - 9/11/2016 The Book of Deuteronomy - 9/14/2016 Exodus 19 - 9/18/2016 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - 9/18/2016 Ephesians 1:18-23 - 10/9/2016 2 Peter 1:1-4 - 10/9/2016 Genesis 23 - The Possession - 10/29/2016 Faith of Our Fathers - 10/30/2016 Citizens of Heaven - 10/30/2016 Why I Identify with the OPC - 10/30/2016 Ephesians 4:1-6 - 11/6/2016 God's Provision in Mara - 11/13/2016 Overcoming Anxiety - 11/13/2016 Ephesians 2:8-10 - 11/20/2016 Mark 5:21-43 - 11/20/2016 Acts 9:31 - 11/27/2016 Acts 9:31 - 11/27/2016 Luke 1:26-38 - Advent 2016 #1 - 12/4/2016 Luke 1:39-45 - Advent 2016 #2 - 12/11/2016 Luke 1:46-56 - Advent 2016 #3 - 12/18/2016 Luke 2:1-39 - Advent 2016 #4 - 12/25/2016 Where Do the Wise Travel To? - 1/15/2017 1 Tim. 3:14-16 - 1/22/2017 Rivers of Living Water - 1/29/2017 Who Is Jesus? - 1/29/2017 Ephesians 2:11-19 - 2/12/2017 2 Peter 11:16-21 - 2/12/2017 Overview of Church Discipline - 2/26/2017 Hebrews 11 - 4/12/2017 The Ressurection Life - 4/16/2017 2 Thess 3:14-15 - 5/7/2017 Office and Work of Deacons - 5/28/2017 Ephesians 2:19-22 - 6/4/2017 Ephesians 3:1-13 - 6/4/2017 Deacons - Part 2 - 6/11/2017 Deacons - Part 3 - 6/18/2017 Ephesians 3:14-21 - 6/25/2017 Ephesians 5:15-21 - 6/25/2017 Psalm 63 - Waiting On God - 7/30/2017 Discipline: Excommunication - 10/1/2017 How To Read Romans - 10/22/2017 Before The Eyes Of The Lord - 10/23/2017 Little Faith, Deliverance - 12/3/2017 Christmas & Message of Cross - 12/24/2017 Forgetting What Lies Behind - 12/31/2017 Two - Not One - 12/31/2017 Peace Through Prayer & Praise - 1/7/2018 Foolishness, Practical Atheism - 1/14/2018 Fishing, Fear, and Faith - 1/14/2018 Who may Dwell:God's Holy Hill? - 1/21/2018 Christ's Victory, Saints' Joy - 1/28/2018 No Resurrection, Justification - 4/1/2018 Paul, Felix, and Drucilla - 4/29/2018 Don't Waste Your Baptism - 6/3/2018 Christian Growth - Part 1 - 7/15/2018 Christian Growth - Part 2 - 7/15/2018 Christian Growth - Part 3 - 7/22/2018 Christian Growth - Part 4 - 7/22/2018 Power of Christ to Forgive Sin - 8/5/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 1 - 10/13/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 2 - 10/14/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 3 - 10/14/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 4 - 10/14/2018 The Mystery of the Incarnation - 12/2/2018 The Spirit of Pharisaism - 12/2/2018 The Matter of the Incarnation - 12/9/2018 The Majesty of the Incarnation - 12/23/2018 The Moment of the Incarnation - 12/23/2018 God Has a Wonderful Plan - 12/30/2018 "New" about New Covenant? - 1/27/2019 Called to (Full) Communion - 2/3/2019 My Journey Out of Deception - 2/10/2019 Jesus on Sovereign Election - 2/10/2019 Paul on Sovereign Election - 2/10/2019 A Few Good Men - 2/17/2019 Role of Reading in Life - 2/24/2019 Ministry of Evangelism - 3/13/2019 The Spiritual Necessity of.. - 4/21/2019 Promise of Discipleship - 5/12/2019 Christians be Philosophers? - 6/5/2019 Grace in Midst of Waywardness - 6/9/2019 Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 6/9/2019 The Preeminence of Christ - 6/30/2019 Unity Amongst Brothers - 6/30/2019 The Headship of Christ - 7/17/2019 The Angel of Yahweh in the OT - 7/28/2019 Christ: The Beginning. The.. - 8/4/2019 Reconciliation in Christ - 8/11/2019 My Father's House - 9/29/2019 Our Obligation to Reformation - 10/20/2019 John Calvin's Advice on.. - 11/10/2019 A Servant of Christ - 11/10/2019 Save Me, Oh My God! - 11/10/2019 Reformation History - 11/13/2019 Bright Hope for Tomorrow - 11/17/2019 The God Who Carries His People - 11/24/2019 Caring for the Church of God - 12/1/2019 Looking for Jesus - 12/1/2019 Attributes of God - 12/8/2019 God's "Yes" and Our "Amen" - 12/8/2019 The Fragrance of the.. - 12/8/2019 The Reign of David's Son - 12/22/2019 Christmas Eve 2019 - 12/24/2019 The Mystery of Contentment - 2/16/2020 Trusting on "God Raises the.. - 2/16/2020 Transformed Into the Same.. - 2/16/2020 Two Types of Legalists - 2/23/2020 A Practical Study in.. - 3/1/2020 The Casting Out of Satan - 3/8/2020 It Was Borrowed - 3/16/2020 A Hymn of Faith in Disaster - 3/22/2020 Seeking Help from the Lord.. - 3/29/2020 You Are Complete in Him - 4/5/2020 Alive in Christ Who Lives.. - 4/12/2020 Why Some Christians Fall Away - 4/19/2020 Blessed is the Forgiven Man - 4/26/2020 The Security of a Penitent Son - 5/3/2020 Withdraw From the.. - 5/24/2020 Free Indeed - 9/13/2020 Our Identity and Value in.. - 10/11/2020 The Drink Offering - 10/11/2020 The Unshakable Kingdom - 11/1/2020 Man's Proud Words, God's.. - 11/8/2020 Calm and Contented,.. - 11/15/2020 The Work of a Worshipping Life - 11/22/2020 Lessons from Uzzah and the Ark - 11/29/2020 Christmas and the Myth of.. - 12/6/2020 Christmas and the Failure.. - 12/13/2020 Christmas and the Fall of.. - 12/20/2020 How to Rejoice in Pain - 12/20/2020 Waiting for the Salvation.. - 12/24/2020 Contemplating Our Hope in.. - 12/27/2020 Two Models of Kingdom.. - 12/27/2020 Mercy - 1/3/2021 Devotedly Yours - 1/3/2021 Elect Exiles - 2/7/2021 Ordination and the Laying.. - 2/14/2021 A Cause Worth Living and.. - 2/21/2021 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 - 3/7/2021 Revelation 12:7-12 - 3/7/2021 The God Who Knows His Way.. - 4/4/2021 Voices Beyond the Grave - 4/18/2021 Thinking Christianly About.. - 4/25/2021 An Optimistic Eschatology - 5/30/2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom.. - 6/6/2021 Look to Jesus who can turn.. - 6/13/2021 The Savior of the World - 6/20/2021 Blessing the Poor in Spirit - 7/11/2021 The Wicked Surround the.. - 7/11/2021 Kingdom Prayer - 8/8/2021 Cut to the Heart - 8/15/2021 The Faith of the Canaanite.. - 9/5/2021 God's Sovereign Decree - 9/12/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 9/22/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 9/29/2021 "Party Spirit's in Christ's.. - 10/3/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 10/6/2021 The Christian's Conflict - 10/10/2021 Blessing God - 10/17/2021 Withstanding in the Evil Day - 10/24/2021 The Obedience of Faith - 11/7/2021 A Tale of 3 Prophets - 11/14/2021 Spiritual Armor for.. - 11/21/2021 Intercession - 12/1/2021 The Why of Christmas - 1/2/2022 Evening Devotional - 1/9/2022 Double Imputation and the.. - 1/16/2022 1 John 1:5-10 - 1/16/2022 Galatians 6:11-16 - 1/16/2022 Thinking Christianly - 1/23/2022 Bringing Children to Christ - 1/30/2022 God's Righteous Standard - 1/30/2022 Faith's Experience or.. - 2/20/2022 The Firstborn from the Dead - 4/17/2022 Four Types of Hearers - 4/24/2022 A Sinner Seeking God - 5/8/2022 King Jesus Rules - 5/8/2022 Christ's Prayer for His Church - 6/12/2022 God Works in the Christian.. - 6/12/2022 The Nature of Christain.. - 7/17/2022 The Implications of Our Peace - 8/14/2022 Saved in Hope of Glory - 10/16/2022 Our Only and Continual Comfort - 1/1/2023 Grace, Peace and Comfort - 1/15/2023 Weak Faith Sustained - 1/15/2023 Jesus Walking on the Water - 2/5/2023 A Demon Possessed Man Healed - 2/19/2023 Overview of Philemon - 3/15/2023 Our Mission - 3/19/2023 Living Waters - 4/9/2023 Two Ways of Coming to Christ - 4/16/2023 Christ, The Sinner's Well - 4/30/2023 A Thousand Generation Project - 5/14/2023 God's Universal Praise - 6/4/2023 The Natural and Necessary Re.. - 6/11/2023 The Life of Confession - 6/25/2023 Christ the Sinner's Salvation - 7/2/2023 The Saints' First Calling an.. - 7/9/2023 Christ's Cosmic Salvation - 7/16/2023 Duty of Love - 7/30/2023 Living in the Covenant - 9/10/2023 Already, But Wait... There's.. - 9/17/2023 Who is Sound? - 10/1/2023 Six Principles of Presbyteri.. - 10/15/2023 Christ All-Sufficient - 10/15/2023 The Rare Jewel of Christian.. - 10/16/2023 The Necessity and Goodness o.. - 10/29/2023 God's Saving Judgment: Refle.. - 11/29/2023 Biblical Peacemaking: A Work.. - 12/13/2023 In Remembrance of His Mercy - 12/24/2023 Work and Sabbath - 12/31/2023 Marks of the Early Church - 1/7/2024 Apostolic Missionary Work - 1/14/2024 Crumbs from the Master's Table - 1/21/2024 Christ's Remedy for Fear - 1/28/2024 The Sabbath Question - 2/4/2024 The Lesser and Greater Joseph - 2/11/2024 Raising Saints - 2/25/2024 The Life-Giving Word - 3/3/2024 Rumors of Heresy - 3/17/2024 A Simple Confession - 3/24/2024 Jesus in the Day of Atonemen.. - 3/29/2024 A Religion of Resurrection - 3/31/2024 The Good Shepherd - 3/31/2024 A Life of Prayer - 4/3/2024 A Meditation Upon Creation - 4/14/2024 The Battle Hymns of the Church - 4/14/2024 Rowdy (But Not Rebellious) R.. - 4/21/2024 Behold, The Ascended Lord! - 5/12/2024 The Messiah's Harvest - 5/19/2024 The Light of Love - 6/16/2024 Encouragement for the Whole.. - 6/23/2024 Two Antithetical Laws - 8/4/2024 Antichrists Revealed - 8/11/2024 Continue in Spite of Opposit.. - 8/11/2024 Christ vs. Chaos - 10/6/2024 My Chosen Portion and My Cup - 10/27/2024 The Continuing Relevance of.. - 10/27/2024 Bought With the Blood of Chr.. - 11/10/2024 Holy Protection, Reverent Ab.. - 11/17/2024 The Angels See the Witness o.. - 11/24/2024
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Jennifer Mason (6/15/2018)from Memphis
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for preaching the unadulterated truth of the Living God, it was so on target for the church of today.
May God bless your ministry continuously.
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