Now we see to what end deacons were made…And the apostles prescribe what manner [of] persons ought to be chosen, to wit, men of tried honesty and credit, men endued with wisdom and other gifts of the Spirit. And this is the mean between tyranny and confused liberty, that nothing be done without the consent and approbation of the people…This is worth the noting, that the apostles prescribe an order unto the faithful, lest they appoint any save those which are fit. For we do God no small injury if we take all that come to hand to govern his house. Therefore, we must use great circumspection that we choose none unto the holy function of the Church unless we have some trial of him first…It is requisite that they be furnished both with other gifts of the Spirit, and also with wisdom, without which that function cannot be exercised well, both that they may beware of the legerdemain of those men, who being too much given unto begging, require that which is necessary for the poverty of the brethren, and also of their slanders, who cease not to backbite, though they have none occasion given them. For that function is not only painful, but also subject to many ungodly murmurings. – John Calvin |