INTRO: Yom Kippur, scapegoats, kaphar, day of Atonement, Azazel, scarlet thread, atonement, nasa, for the Lord, for the sending away goat, two horns, confession, repentance, forgiveness. What do all these words have in common? I asked you to pray that I would be able to condense this subject so I would not spend a long time on it. One of our folk said, “I will not be praying for that. I want to get everything out of this I can.” Well, maybe it is that person's fault that I will be spending two messages on the title of this series, “Forgiveness: Will that be one goat or two?” Well, what these words all have in common is that they are all related to the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur of the OT. It is this day that we have the two goats mentioned in our title.
By the way, it was drawn to my attention this week that Radio Bible Class, the folk that put out the Daily Bread have a booklet called, "What is True Forgiveness?" It is written by Pastor Gary Inrig who was a pastor in Calgary many years ago when we lived in Three Hills, not far from Calgary. Pastor Inrig's first statement is, "Forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible." I agree with him. You can get this booklet from Radio Bible Class or you can print it on line if you go to Radio Bible Class on the internet. The booklet is written in 2006. |