Dan Horn | Youngsville, North Carolina
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Benny Hinn is Going to Hell - Why Is Anyone Following Him?
Benny Hinn is a false teacher that has millions of global followers. And while in the US, he is more likely to be seen as a false teacher, in Nigeria, as in many other parts of the world, there are many who are deceived by him and his teaching. But why is this? In this episode we want to look at how Benny Hinn sells himself and his heresies to make himself acceptable. We spend a little bit of time talking about his background and his mentor Kathryn Kulman and how he was shaped by her techniques. We also discuss his pattern of appealing to the flesh and to fleshly desires. As a carnal man Benny Hinn does not understand spiritual things and those he is trying to attract do not understand them either, so Hinn creates his own carnally-inspired mystical approach to spiritual things. This is really important to understand, because even many Christians have grown up in churches where spiritual things are not taught clearly. We also talk about Hinn's recent false repentance, which was really just a means to distance himself from certain actions and not any actual repentance at all. Benny Hinn should not be a threat to anyone. But because of how little influence and credibility the church has, he can sell his carnal "spirituality" and lead many to hell. Please join us as discuss this important topic.Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NCPermanent Hosts - Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua HornTechnical Director - Timothy KaiserTheme Music - Gabriel Hudelson
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