Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Hymn #255 'Blessed Assurance'
Hymn #255 'Blessed Assurance'
>Hymn #001 ‘O Worship the King’ - 10/2/2023 Hymn #263 - 10/9/2023 Hymn #62 Crown Him With Many.. - 10/19/2023 Hymn #272 ‘The Solid Rock’ - 10/26/2023 Hymn #145 ‘Hail, Thou Once-D.. - 11/1/2023 Hymn #144 ‘Hark! Ten Thousand - 11/9/2023 Hymn #143 ‘Rejoice, the LORD - 11/14/2023 Hymn #334 'Be Thou My Vision' - 11/16/2023 Hymn #188 'I Love Thy Kingdom - 11/21/2023 Hymn #226 ‘My Savior’ - 11/28/2023 Hymn #442 ‘Praise Him!, - 11/30/2023 Hymn #258 ‘He Hideth My Soul’ - 12/4/2023 Hymn: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - 12/14/2023 Hymn #210 ‘Saved By the Blood’ - 12/24/2023 Hymn #172 ‘O Word of God... - 12/28/2023 Hymn #35 ‘Praise, My Soul, the - 1/9/2024 Hymn #255 'Blessed Assurance' - 1/15/2024 Upon His High Throne - 1/21/2024 Hymn #108 ‘All Glory, Laud and - 1/28/2024 Hymn #58 'Jesus, the Very Thou - 2/4/2024 Hymn #13-Praise Ye the LORD - 2/9/2024 Hymn #475 'Redeemed' - 2/11/2024 Hymn ‘Alas! and Did My Savior - 2/26/2024 Hymn #468 ‘I Will Sing - 3/4/2024 Hymn #329 ‘Sitting at the Feet - 3/7/2024 Hymn #349 There Shall Be Sh.. - 3/15/2024 Hymn #112 ‘Blessed Redeemer’ - 3/17/2024 Hymn #49 ‘Our Great Savior’ - 3/25/2024 Hymn #70 ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ - 3/28/2024 Hymn #77 ‘Sun of My Soul’ - 4/3/2024 Hymn 309 ‘Beneath the Cross.. - 4/11/2024 Hymn #44 ‘And Can It Be That I - 4/16/2024 My Sheep Hear My Voice - 4/23/2024 Hymn #485 ‘Revive Us Again’ - 4/29/2024 Hymn #300 ‘More Secure...' - 5/3/2024 Hymn #36 ‘A Mighty Fortress.. - 5/6/2024 Hymn #163 ‘Open My Eyes’ - 5/10/2024 Hymn #209 ‘Grace Greater' - 5/20/2024 Hymn #259 ‘The Rock That Is Hi - 5/23/2024 Hymn #118...the Wondrous Cross - 6/4/2024 Hymn #16 'The LORD is King' - 6/10/2024 Hymn #187 'Blessed Be the Tie - 6/18/2024 Hymn #127 ‘Hallelujah, What a - 6/27/2024 Hymn #467 ‘Since I Have Been.. - 7/7/2024 Hymn #293 ‘The LORD's My She.. - 7/16/2024 #388 ‘Have Thine Own Way, LORD - 7/26/2024 Hymn #126 ’Rock of Ages’ - 8/8/2024 Hymn #46 ‘O For a Thousand T.. - 8/11/2024 Hymn #454 ‘What a Wonderful Sa - 8/18/2024 Hymn #222 ‘There Is a Founta.. - 9/2/2024 Hymn #17 ‘Come, Thou Fount’ - 9/12/2024 Hymn #199 ‘Christ Receiveth.. - 10/3/2024 Hymn #474 ‘Only a Sinner’ - 10/10/2024 Worship Call ‘Saved by Grace' - 10/26/2024 Call to Worship: 'Tis Finished - 11/3/2024 Hymn #291 ‘Guide Me, O Thou.. - 11/14/2024 Hymn #326 ‘More About Jesus’ - 11/18/2024 Hymn #282 ‘Hiding in Thee’ - 11/29/2024
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