Earlier in the service I read from the first chapter of Romans what is really a very, very shocking portion of Scripture. Just to remind you that Romans chapter 1, verses 18 to 32, describes the wrath of God that is unleashed in the world.
The wrath of God is divided into a number of elements. There is eschatological wrath. That is the wrath that will fall on the earth at the end of human history in a time called the time of Tribulation. There is sowing and reaping wrath. That is the wrath of God that comes consequent on sin--whatever a man sows, he reaps. There is cataclysmic wrath. That is the wrath of God that He sets on man from miraculous use of the natural order, such as the Flood, or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity. So there is that wrath of God which is eschatological and which is consequential and which is cataclysmic. And then there is that wrath of God which is eternal wrath, and that would be the wrath of God unleashed on the ungodly forever in the punishments of eternal hell...
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Great Sermon! Thanking God for sound teaching. It is this type of teaching that helps me grow in my faith. Culture keeps repeating the lie and now calls it truth through the Democratic party. They value cultural opinionson morality over God's Word.
TimG (2/15/2013)
from UK
Great Sermon! Super sermon. But I can't help thinking preachers need to move with the times. All we seem to hear about is sodomites. What about the lesbians? A recent survey found that 23% of men have had or would consider a same-sex experience. For women it was 60%! Another study: a whopping 50% of females born in the nineties will have had a same-sex experience by the time they are 25. Shocking. You say homosexual lust is all-consuming and very powerful. Not surprising then, that we have been flooded with erotic and sensual imagery of women for decades. Satan is putting women under tremendous pressure, every other film from Hollywood seems to be a lesbian love story. Lesbian weddings out number gay weddings by up to 3 to 1 and more. This is just the beginning. Come on preachers. Save the women!
michaelk (11/11/2012)
from ft.lauderdale
Great Sermon! On who to vote for i ask this...where will obama & romney spend eternity if they were to die today ???....true born again christians do not partake in this evil thing...christian nation huh....when did the blackor woman cd vote ? Alk men created equal huh...all u constitutionalist...do not be decieved into voting.....whoever wins so be it....God is sovereign.........
Crystal (11/7/2012)
Great Sermon!
janine elizabeth (11/6/2012)
from Louisiana
Great Sermon! Am always so blessed by your uncompromising stance for God's Word. I just had to share this on my Fb wall. Thank you.
BWS (11/4/2012)
Daring, Timely Sermon! And wasn't Hurricane Sandy, on virtually the political eve of the Nov. 6th elections, a warning shot across the bow of America from heaven? What should happen should heaven open up its full artillery as it did on Sodom and Gomorrah? Is not the "wrath of God revealed from heaven against the unrighteousness"--blatant, shameless, "pride"-promoted, and now legalized unrighteousness (thus calling evil good, and good evil)--of America? Will God be mocked and his holy justice (righteousness revealed by the standard of his Law that is ratified and "established" by the Gospel) reviled and defamed without consequence? Is God impotent or omnipotent? How will it go for them, or this or any nation, that call holiness "hate" and unrightousness "love" and "good"--those who are "forward" to shake their fist at their Maker or pretend that Jesus was a timid, unholy, nonjudgmental, unrighteous preacher of "social justice" or "equality" of those who act wickedly, as if they are the "poor" and "afflicted" of the earth, instead of the oppressors and degraders of themselves and slaves to sin! "For by what a man is overcome, to that he is enslaved" and "for these things the wrath of God comes upon the children of men". The LORD answers in the psalm: "To the Forward, I will show myself forward"!
Zephaniah (11/4/2012)
from Sydney
Who has ears to hear... The speaker has spoken plainly a warning. Who will you vote for when Salvation requires Repentance....anyone standing on repentance???
There is no vote worth giving without first undersatnding the place of Eternity in a sin filled, depraved political platform that denies the Word of God.
Where will Obahma spend Eternity?
Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God’s Word, John MacArthur is a fifth-generation pastor, a popular author and conference speaker, and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. John and his wife,...