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Vacant | Isle of Lewis, Scotland
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Stornoway Free Church (Continuing)
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Isle of Lewis, Scotland
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Dr. David P Murray
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The Holocaust of Hell
Everlasting destruction
11/7/2004 (SUN)
  |  Bible: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
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1. He will come
2. He will come with His mighty angels
3. He will come in blazing fire
4. He will come for vengeance
5. He will come to separate
6. He will come to punish
7. He will come to destroy
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Dr. David P Murray
The Holocaust of Hell

Everlasting destruction
Sunday Service
Stornoway Free Church, Cont.
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Dr. David P Murray
The Holocaust of Hell

Everlasting destruction
Stornoway Free Church,...
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SteveR (8/8/2009)
from Upper Midwest
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
All false gospels crumble as Dr Murray proclaims the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with a Word sharper than any two edged sword. Thank you Lord for raising up faithful Pastors like Dr Murray

Jenny Murphy (8/7/2009)
from Leeds England
“ Great Sermon! ”

Walt (11/14/2004)
from Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
May the Lord reform England, Scotland, Ireland, America, Australia and those others who are bound by the Solemn League and Covenant of whom much blood was shed by Preachers who preached Christ and Him Crucified. Tell Pastor David Murray to lead Scotland and England and Ireland back to placing Christ at the head of both His Church and His State, and all His earthly dominions. In history, we know that every knee shall bow and let us start first with our own!

cont (11/14/2004)
“ Great Sermon! ”
The great commission- if I was to take but only 2 preachers as examples, George Whitfield and C H Spurgeon, messengers of the only hope for sinners...why would they go out into the world and preach CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED if they didn't believe that it was God's great command to reach HIS elect by that very means? Do modern preachers believe otherwise? Street preaching is rare in England...O' that Pastors would be moved by The Holy Spirit to go out and reach the lost whilst there is a gospel time and gospel hope. Put away the pleasures of this world; throw out the t.v. set; and go out and preach as if Christ is coming within the hour or why preach at all? Live the gospel calling until like a McCheyne you are burnt out through gospel labours...then might God be pleased to bless once again these lands in the UK!

cont (11/14/2004)
“ Great Sermon! ”
As providence would have it I was reading today the story of the great Englishman William Tyndale who was called 'THE Reformation in England' in giving us the Scriptures in English-the ONLY guide into the truth of God's way of Salvation. I read of Tyndale's friend Thomas Bilney converted through reading the Greek new testament, "This is a true saying and by all means worthy to be received, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." For his faith and desire to preach to the lost Bilney was burned at the stake in the Lollard's pit. Another friend John Frith was burnt for the sake of the gospel at Smithfield-He held out his arms to embrace the flames; they licked his body, slowly scorching his flesh until the blackened form slumped fprwad at the stake. Jesus said, " Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matt. 10: 28. We need today men with the spirit of the martyrs. Not perfect men but men convicted of the power of the gospel and not ashamed to preach it. Would to God that Pastors would look to their own left hand and to their own right hand and see ungodly sinners perishing-spiritually blind and dead rather than disorientated, willfull mockers

Wayne (11/14/2004)
from England
“ Let the fires preach! ”
Praise God for such preaching and such a desire to warn sinners and see sinners saved from Hell. I was reading yesterday of the many brave RAF Bomber crews of World War II. An elderly Officer warning boisterous new recruits: "Just look around you, to the man on your right and the one on your left, then remmember that only one out of the three of you is coming back alive!" How the recruits laughed nudging their friends on either side, but the fact was that by the summer of 1944 only one out of three had indeed survived. Of the shocking and terrible stories of burning men and destroyed aircrafts this testimony struck home. "A bomber had blown up on home landing-a 'flamer', the men called it-and all but one of the crew had scambled out. From the pyre came a sound 'unearthly and mind-destroying, like an animal screaming from some unbearable torture.' A verteran airman told how flames like that burnt out the eyes first, then the hands, and a man would be too disororientated to save haven't a hope in hell.

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