Clark Gallagher | Topical1 John 4:7-12 |
| SUN 01/07/2024 Sunday Service | 38 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | SUN 01/07/2024 Sunday School | 32 min
Pastor James Wenger | 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 7:1-6 |
| SUN 01/14/2024 Sunday Service | 40 min
Brad Dickey | The Life of JacobGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| SUN 01/14/2024 Sunday - PM | 39 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | WED 01/17/2024 Sunday School | 40 min
Camden Bucey | ApologeticsGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| SAT 01/20/2024 100+ | 18 min
Camden Bucey | ApologeticsGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| SAT 01/20/2024 160+ | 62 min
Camden Bucey | ApologeticsGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| SAT 01/20/2024 100+ | 65 min
Camden Bucey | TopicalActs 17:16-34 |
| SUN 01/21/2024 Sunday Service | 41 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | SUN 01/21/2024 Sunday School | 41 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | SUN 01/28/2024 Sunday School | 37 min
Brad Dickey | TopicalEphesians 6:10-20 |
| SUN 01/28/2024 Sunday Service | 40 min
Brad Dickey | The Life of JacobGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| MON 01/29/2024 Sunday Service | 32 min
Pastor James Wenger | 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 7:7-16 |
| SUN 02/04/2024 Sunday Service | 44 min
Brad Dickey | The Life of JacobGenesis 30:25-43 |
| SUN 02/04/2024 Sunday Service | 30 min
Pastor James Wenger | Memorial ServiceGrace Church of Laguna Niguel |
| FRI 02/09/2024 Funeral Service | 52 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | SUN 02/11/2024 Sunday School | 43 min
Pastor James Wenger | 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 7:17-40 |
| SUN 02/11/2024 Sunday Service | 55 min
Pastor James Wenger | 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 8:1-13 |
| SUN 02/18/2024 Sunday Service | 50 min
Clark Gallagher | Topical2 Kings 6:1-7 |
| SUN 02/25/2024 Sunday Service | 46 min
Clark Gallagher | Covenant TheologyGrace Church of Laguna Niguel | SUN 02/25/2024 Sunday School | 43 min