Dr. Jon D. Payne Matthew 6:33 |
| SUN 01/01/2023 Sunday Service | 56 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five SolasRomans 1:16-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 |
| SUN 01/08/2023 Sunday - PM | 45 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:12-13 |
| SUN 01/15/2023 Sunday Service | 44 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five Solas2 Timothy 3:14-17 |
| SUN 01/15/2023 Sunday - PM | 35 min

Dr. Carlton Wynne John 10:1-21 |
| SUN 01/22/2023 Sunday - AM | 36 min

Dr. Carlton Wynne John 10:22-42 |
| SUN 01/22/2023 Sunday - PM | 37 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:12-13 |
| SUN 01/29/2023 Sunday - AM | 38 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five SolasEphesians 2:1-10 |
| SUN 02/05/2023 Sunday - PM | 81 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:14-17 |
| SUN 02/12/2023 Sunday - AM | 38 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five SolasColossians 1:13-23 |
| SUN 02/12/2023 Sunday - PM | 35 min

Dr. Jonathan Master Psalm 46 |
| SUN 02/19/2023 Sunday - AM | 33 min

Rev. Dr. Matthew Tyler Psalm 32 |
| SUN 02/19/2023 Sunday - PM | 42 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five SolasPhilippians 3:7-9 |
| SUN 02/26/2023 Sunday Service | 43 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:14-17 |
| SUN 02/26/2023 Sunday Service | 53 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:14-17 |
| SUN 03/05/2023 Sunday - AM | 44 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Five SolasRomans 11:33-36; 1 Corinthians 10:31 |
| SUN 03/05/2023 Sunday - PM | 43 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | VariousLuke 18:9-14 |
| SUN 03/12/2023 Sunday - AM | 47 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | VariousDeuteronomy 6:4-9; Ephesians 6:1-4 |
| SUN 03/12/2023 Sunday - PM | 58 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:18-22 |
| SUN 03/26/2023 Sunday - AM | 39 min

Dr. Jon D. Payne | The Gospel of GodRomans 8:23-25 |
| SUN 04/02/2023 Sunday Service | 48 min
