Nathan Hawthorne Genesis 23; Genesis 25:1-11 | SUN 12/08/2024 Sunday - PM | 46 min
Trevor Watson Mark 14:12-26 | SUN 12/01/2024 Sunday - PM | 38 min
Rev Nigel Agnew Acts 17:22-34; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 | SUN 11/24/2024 Sunday - PM | 39 min
Rev. David Fallows Psalm 45:1-9 | SUN 11/10/2024 Sunday - PM | 41 min
Stephen Neilly Genesis 2 | SUN 11/03/2024 Sunday - PM | 46 min
Rev. Stephen Roger | John The BaptistMark 6:1-31 | SUN 10/20/2024 Sunday - PM | 42 min
Rev. Stephen Roger | John The BaptistMatthew 3 | SUN 10/13/2024 Sunday - PM | 47 min
Rev. Stephen Roger | John The BaptistLuke 3:1-20 | SUN 10/06/2024 Sunday - PM | 43 min
Gareth Orr Genesis 27; Titus 3:1-11 | SUN 09/29/2024 Sunday - PM | 43 min
John Coulter Genesis 11:27-12:9; Hebrews 11:1-12:2 | SUN 09/22/2024 Sunday - PM | 42 min
Rev. Tim Donachie Matthew 6:1-15; Acts 23:12-35 | SUN 09/08/2024 Sunday - PM | 51 min
Rev. Edward McCollum 2 Peter 3; Matthew 25:31-46 | SUN 09/01/2024 Sunday - PM | 41 min
Kenny Stephenson Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13-53:12 | SUN 08/25/2024 Sunday - PM | 40 min
Malcolm Ball Isaiah 61; Luke 4:16-30 | SUN 08/18/2024 Sunday - PM | 39 min
David Whitla | Jesus' ParablesProverbs 6:1-19; Matthew 25:14-30 | SUN 08/11/2024 Sunday - PM | 47 min
David Whitla | Jesus' ParablesPsalm 32; Matthew 18:15-35 | SUN 08/04/2024 Sunday - PM | 52 min
David Whitla | Jesus' ParablesEcclesiastes 5:10-6:9; Matthew 13:44-46 | SUN 07/28/2024 Sunday - PM | 42 min
David Whitla | Jesus' ParablesMatthew 13:24-30; Matthew 13:36-43 | SUN 07/21/2024 Sunday - PM | 46 min
Rev. Robert Robb Colossians 1:15-23 | SUN 07/14/2024 Sunday - PM | 37 min
John Coates Joshua 9:1-21; 2 Samuel 21:1-14 | SUN 07/07/2024 Sunday - PM | 45 min
Rev. Stephen Roger Malachi 3:1-4:6 | SUN 06/30/2024 Sunday - PM | 47 min
John Coulter John 6:1-15 | SUN 06/16/2024 Sunday - PM | 36 min