Calvary Protestant Reformed Church |
Rev. Allen Brummel | Hull, Iowa
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Pastor Cory Griess | Band and ChoirCalvary Protestant Reformed | SUN 04/10/2016 Sunday - PM | 47 min
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Pastor Cory Griess | Band and ChoirCalvary Protestant Reformed | SUN 04/19/2015 Sunday - PM | 40 min
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Rev. Garrett Eriks Genesis 45 | SUN 07/13/2014 Sunday Service | 49 min
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Pastor Cory Griess Hosea 11:1-9a | SUN 01/16/2011 120+ | 47 min
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Pastor Cory Griess | Heidelberg CatechismJohn 14:6; 1 Corinthians 1:30 | SUN 01/24/2010 Sunday - AM | 43 min
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