Brian Schwertley Covenanted Reformed Presb. |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 47 min
Brian Schwertley Covenanted Reformed Presb. |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 42 min
Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. | Proverbs (2013)Dean Bible Ministries |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Bible Study | 59 min
Russ Sukhia Liberty Church, PCA |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 27 min
Dr. Gene Wolfenbarger Joshua Baptist Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 54 min
Greg Steely | The Big YearCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 34 min
Frank Bolella Living Word Community Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 100+ | 60 min
David Chanski | Luke's GospelTrinity Baptist Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 64 min
Marvin Stalnaker Katy Baptist Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 52 min
Mark Pannell | A Sight to BeholdEager Avenue Grace Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 140+ | 30 min
Mike Kelley Grace Bible Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 44 min
Anthony Mathenia | 2 Peter 3Christ Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 220+ | 43 min
Marvin Stalnaker Katy Baptist Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 40 min
Paul Bankson | Gospel of MarkHouston Lake Presbyterian |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 35 min
Dr. Douglas F. Kelly | RevelationChrist Covenant Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 120+ | 44 min
Dr. Lance T. Ketchum Shepherd's Fold Baptist Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 48 min
Ray Russ | 2 CorinthiansFaith Bible Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 52 min
Randy Zempel | PhilippiansDuluth Bible Church |
| SUN 01/06/2013 Sunday Service | 45 min