Mr. Philip Hartin Martyrs Memorial FPC |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Children | 34 min
Jeremy Walker | A word in seasonMaidenbower Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Devotional | 5 min
Various Speakers | Ordination ServiceAdoration United Reformed |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Midweek Service | 129 min
Seth Armstrong | Profetas MenoresIglesia Biblica Bautista |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Devotional | 25 min
Jim Wood | Philippians 2020Abiding in Christ |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Chapel Service | 32 min
Rev. Dr. Dana Goodnough | Virtual VisitsPittsford Community Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Current Events | 3 min
Jeff Oliver Grace Reformed Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Sunday Service | 56 min
Jason Cooley | DepressionOld Paths Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 120+ | 131 min
Dr. David Elangovan Reformed Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Bible Study | 54 min
Larry Phillips | DevotionalPineville Sovereign Grace |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Devotional | 11 min
Mike Hoggard | AddictionsBethel Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 160+ | 57 min
Patrick Malphrus | Daily DevotionalsOld Providence ARP Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Devotional | 25 min
David A. Mitchell | Daily DevotionalsBallee Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Devotional | 15 min
Kevin Vigneault The Bible Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Sunday Service | 4 min
James W. Knox | The Rapture SeriesThe Bible Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Teaching | 18 min
James W. Knox | The Rapture SeriesThe Bible Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Teaching | 27 min
Pastor Jason Sparks | Sycamore RevivalGrace Gospel Baptist Church |
| FRI 07/17/2020 Sunday Service | 23 min
Dave Jenkins | RevelationServants of Grace Ministries |
| FRI 07/17/2020 100+ | 49 min