Pastor Dabney Olguin Grace Reformed Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Sunday Service | 49 min
Ken Largent | Loving One AnotherWestwood Heights Baptist | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 33 min
Tom Rayborn | Gospel of LukeChrist Fellowship Bible Church | WED 09/14/2016 Sunday School | 56 min
Dr. Alan Cairns | Psalm 138 SeriesLet the Bible Speak Radio | WED 09/14/2016 220+ | 28 min
Dr. David Pittman Temple Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 45 min
Bezaleel M. Cummings Huisache Avenue Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 100+ | 52 min
Lee Davis | 1 CorinthiansEmmanuel Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Prayer Meeting | 32 min
Dr. Aaron B. Campbell | JohnGlory Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Bible Study | 31 min
Joshua J. Miller Emmanuel Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 38 min
Jim Butler Free Grace Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 100+ | 56 min
Julio C Gonzalez | Joyas en JobIglesia Bautista Nuevo | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 25 min
Joe Davis Sonlight Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 35 min
John Roloson Sr. | Study of ProverbsMoorhead Baptist Church | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 54 min
Gary Hewins | RevelationCommunity Bible of Highlands | WED 09/14/2016 140+ | 68 min
Andrew Brown Pastor Allen Fox | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 31 min
John Gorrell Community Chapel Church | WED 09/14/2016 Prayer Meeting | 30 min
Pastor Todd L. Abbey | Grace & TruthFairfax Baptist Temple | WED 09/14/2016 Midweek Service | 47 min