Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church | FRI 08/05/2016 Sunday Service | 54 min
David Filson | Communion SeasonIndependent Presbyterian |
| FRI 08/05/2016 Special | 43 min
Mark S. Wisniewski | Salmos - SpanishIglesia Nueva Obra en Cristo | FRI 08/05/2016 120+ | 25 min
Dr. Steven Wilson Berean Baptist Church | FRI 08/05/2016 200+ | 49 min
Don Green The Truth Pulpit | FRI 08/05/2016 180+ | 26 min
Aaron Braaten | Jerusalem and IsraelIntl Board of Jewish Missions | FRI 08/05/2016 Radio Broadcast | 5 min
Bob Kirkland | First JohnFairHavens Baptist Church | FRI 08/05/2016 200+ | 12 min
Terry Pace Westside Baptist Church | FRI 08/05/2016 280+ | 45 min