Steven Cole | ActsFlagstaff Christian Fellowship | SUN 11/04/2001 220+ | 42 min
Rev. Bud Powell | CWP - GalatiansTrinity Covenant Reformed | SUN 11/04/2001 Sunday Service | 32 min
Steven Cole | ActsFlagstaff Christian Fellowship | SUN 11/11/2001 220+ | 41 min
Rev. Bud Powell | CWP - GalatiansTrinity Covenant Reformed | SUN 11/11/2001 Sunday Service | 34 min
Bob Faulkner | Through the BibleHackberry House of Chosun | SUN 11/11/2001 260+ | 60 min
Dr. John Barnett | Word Filled LifeDTBM, International | SUN 11/11/2001 260+ | 39 min
Steven Cole | ActsFlagstaff Christian Fellowship | SUN 11/18/2001 240+ | 40 min
Rev. Bud Powell | CWP - GalatiansTrinity Covenant Reformed | SUN 11/18/2001 Sunday Service | 41 min