How can one have true assurance of his salvation if he does not see himself justified by the blood of Christ? A proper understanding of justification inevitably leads to Biblical assurance of salvation. Biblical assurance unavoidably bestows peace and confident expectation concerning our glorification. He who has this expectation (hope) within his soul will walk in purity. According to this passage, “And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (I John 3:3), it is impossible for an individual who understands the doctrine of justification to live in wickedness. Who will deny that Christ is pure? In like manner, a Bible believer can not deny that the man that has “this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He (Christ) is pure.” In fact, John continues the argument in the verses that follow by showing that because God has implanted the divine seed in the soul at the new birth, that person cannot live in sin (I John 3:7-10). The work is of God. When God works, He is efficacious. The faith of justification overcomes the world (I John 4:4, 5:4-5). Therefore, the doctrine of justification (if correctly understood and believed) causes men to walk in holiness. He who denies this truth teaches contrary to the Scriptures and turns the grace of God into lasciviousness (Jude 4). Dear Reader, let us pause and honestly reflect upon what has been said. Let us sit before God and His word and survey our condition. We may fool each other, and ourselves but we cannot fool God. We cannot live as the world and claim to be born of God. We cannot believe that the blood of Christ justifies us and continue to live throughout our life without change. My intention is not to “guilt” anyone into serving the living God. This will never work. Only the truth of God abiding in the soul will cause any to live unto the Lord. However, I do desire to be honest with you and myself as well. We do not have a right to claim God and His kingdom without a life of holiness. Therefore, from a heart of love and kindness I ask you, “How is it with your soul?” “BLESSED IS THE MAN.” We draw your attention to the phrase in Psalm 32:2…”in whose spirit there is no guile.” The Psalmist described the blessedness of that individual who is justified before God. He also gives a description of the heart of the justified…”in whose spirit there is no guile.” Here it is clearly taught that those who have received the imputed righteousness of Christ by faith, also have a pure spirit (Matthew 5:8). Those who are justified from their sins are sanctified from a life of sinfulness. It is one thing to be forgiven, pardoned or declared not guilty of a crime but it is something else to be clean in the heart, the two are inseparable.