We are Elizabeth Baptist Church in Bancroft, West Virginia and welcome you to our homepage on Sermon Audio. We (the members) at Elizabeth Baptist are very excited to be a part of such a wonderful Site. We give God Almighty all the praise, honor, and glory for being able to spread his Word. Please visit Our Sermon Audio Homepage: (www.sermonaudio.com/elizabethbaptist) and our internet Homepage : ( www.ghtg.org ) and also you can listen to Pastor Jeff on our Good hope through Grace radio broadcast live on www.wemmfm.com every Monday Evening at 7:30pm EST. Just click on the listen live icon in top left corner of the wemmfm website.
If you Listen to our Sermons please let us know what you think or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us by email. ( [email protected] ) We Pray the Lord Richly Blesses you and We pray that many Souls are reached Through this medium of SermonAudio.com. Its Great To be part of such a Blessing.