Joseph Biden and Joseph Stalin have a lot in common. History seems to be repeating itself. Does anyone remember what's known as The Great Purge or The Great Terror? In order to usher in the Russian Communist utopia, a million or more undesirables had to be PURGED or CANCELLED for the good of the people. Joseph Stalin's Communist party simply declared all dissenters to be nonpeople. They stripped them of their basic human rights and legally declared them to be “unpersons who had never existed.” Then they murdered them. Joseph Biden's Communist party is declaring all dissenters who exercise their 1st Amendment rights to be dangerous "extremists." Joseph Biden and his Democratic Party comrades are laboring to pass unconstitutional laws that will effectively make tens of millions of Constitution upholding Americans, who defend and exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, to be dangerous "criminals."
Joseph Biden's going down the well-marked Communist revolution path that Joseph Stalin left for him. What is the Church of Jesus Christ supposed to do about it? What is the solution to the Communist purge beginning to take place in America today? How can we stop this anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible, anti-Church, anti-Gospel, anti-family, anti-gender, anti-Constitution, anti-America Communist revolution? Expose it for the evil that it is and boldly preach God's Law, God's judgment, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone, everywhere: pulpits, streets, schoolyards, colleges, universities, city centers, riverfronts, major sporting events, abortion clinics, social media platforms, etc. Churches that are still closed should remain closed forever, and merely keeping churches open isn't enough. It never was. That's how we got here. If we won't "GO THEREFORE!" and preach Christ who "by Himself PURGED OUR SINS [and] sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high," our Communist neighbors will soon PURGE us, our families, our churches, and our freedom to proclaim Christ sea to shining sea (Matt. 28:18-20; Heb. 1:3).
*See below for more historical perspective on America's present-day Communist insurrection.