On Martin Luther King Blvd., in the heart of Portland, Oregon’s black community, and all across America, there are #BlackLivesMatter posters and banners adorning #PlannedParenthood’s windows and walls. Black Lives Matter openly supports the abortion of black babies in black neighborhoods and Planned Parenthood openly supports #BLM. The nightmarish reality is that BLM is part of the long war against black lives. It’s not an accident that the most dangerous place for a black baby in America is in his or her mother’s womb. It’s by evil, intelligent design. Long before the moral insanity of a Black Lives Matter movement that promotes the taking of millions of innocent black lives, #MargaretSanger, the founder of PlannedParenthood, an ardent evolutionist and racist eugenicist who sought to sterilize and exterminate the black population that she referred to as “human weeds” — wrote this bit of racist wisdom to young white girls, warning them about the black man's dangerous lack of sexual control due to his being less evolved:
"The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets." -Margaret Sanger, What Every Girl Should Know: Sexual Impulses -Part II, 3rd from the last paragraph (https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/webedition/app/documents/show.php?sangerDoc=304923.xml)
Lies and ideas have consequences. The lie of evolution and idea of eugenics have terrible consequences. Is it any wonder Planned Parenthood murders 247 black babies every day and that 79% of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of minority communities? Black lives don't matter to Planned Parenthood, except as lives that have been deliberately targeted for "birth control" — by which Margaret Sanger meant sterilization and extermination for the purpose of eradicating "human weeds" and advancing the human race via eugenics. Black lives don’t really matter to Black Lives Matter, who works hand in hand with Planned Parenthood to murder 247 black babies every day.
Sanger's racist eugenics goals are being fulfilled before our eyes. Black America is shrinking. With the help of Planned Parenthood, a staggering 52% of all black babies conceived are aborted by their mothers and fathers. Again I say, the most dangerous place for a black child is in his or her mother's womb. Black Americans make up 12.4% of America’s population but 37% of America’s abortions. At this rate, Margaret Sanger, the abortion industry she helped create, and Black Lives Matter will succeed in marginalizing and wiping out America’s black population.
The Planned Parenthood on Portland's MLK Blvd. is one of those strategically placed surgical abortion facilities. It’s staffed primarily by smiling young white women who murder young black women’s babies for a living. Join me in praying God will be glorified through the ministry of His Law and Gospel, the saving of many souls, and the rescuing of many black, brown, and white babies on MLK Blvd. Join me in praying that God saves the souls of Margaret Sanger’s evil ideological descendants — even in the midst of their hypocritical display of their Black Lives Matter swag as they crush the life from black babies for a living. Join me in praying truth will prevail on MLK Blvd. and our black brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors will rise up against Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter’s black genocide, crying out, “You shall not murder!” and putting this evil out of their neighborhood (Exodus 20:13).