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James Downing | Springfield, Louisiana
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Grace Fellowship Baptist Church 26954 Highway 42 Springfield, Louisiana 70462
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Be Filled with all the Fullness of God!
Posted by: Grace Fellowship Baptist Church | more..
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Matthew 7:7: “Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”.

How often do we NOT have what we truly need from God because we have not asked God for it? James 4:2: “Ye have not, because ye ask not”

That begs the question: What are the things that I truly need from God? What should I ask my heavenly Father for each day in the time of my earthly pilgrimage?

Here’s my answer: To reveal more of Himself to me in His Word. That I would turn away from every sin that presents itself to me. To strengthen my faith in Him and in the promises of His Holy Word? For wisdom for what I will face in the world today? To season my words with grace? That I would humbly and gladly submit to every providence that He (God) sends to me, knowing that it is for my good.

These are just a few of what I would call our greatest needs. But am I asking God for these things? In Paul’s prayer for the Church at Ephesus, listen to the (things) that he asked for them; are we asking God for these things? Ephesians 3:14-21

Tonight: What does it mean to be “filled with all the fullness of God”?

How can this even be possible? What exactly did Paul mean when he asked God to fill the saints at Ephesus with the fullness of God? I’m not sure I can give you a clear and precise answer as to what Paul meant, but I can tell you this; I want what Paul prayed for, for each of you, and for me personally.

But HAVE I, and AM I asking God to fill me with all of His fullness? The truth is I should constantly be asking God to fill me with all of His fullness.

FIRST: What is “all the fullness of God?”

Understand that my explanation is coming from my limited and finite understanding of the Eternal, Infinite, and Uncreated God!

At first glance, it seems an impossible request, (but we will never understand God’s Word by short glances); we MUST muse, meditate, and immerse ourselves in God’s Holy Word by faith if we would have Him! Hebrews 11:6

If Paul asked God for this in prayer, he meant it; therefore being filled with the fullness of God is attainable spiritually; but since God is eternal and unsearchable, we will never ARRIVE; but we should constantly be drawing nigh unto Him and seeking to be filled with all of His fullness.

But what is ALL the fullness of God? WELL: What are some of the wonderful graces and attributes that we know to be true of in the character of our God?

Exodus 34:6-7, Psalm 86:5, 13-15, 103:8, 116:5, 145:8-9, Ephesians 2:4

And then: What did Jesus teach us in the Sermon on the Mount?

Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:36

We are asking God to fill us with Himself: His grace, His love, His mercy, His compassion, His longsuffering, and that He is slow to anger and ready to forgive! (The fullness of God is His character IN US) This is as close as I can get to explaining “being filled with all the fullness of God”!

SECOND: Understand that God is the Filler; in Paul’s prayer, he asked God to fill the saints at Ephesus with all the fullness of God. We cannot fill ourselves, God MUST or we won’t be filled!

Understand Christian that you do not and cannot control this filling. Consider Paul’s prayer, “that they might be filled with all the fullness of God”! This passage is written in the passive voice, meaning that this filling must come from an outside source; that outside source is God!

John 12:1-3, Acts 2:1-4, Ephesians 6:10, Philippians 4:19

“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit”

This “BE FILLED” is written in the same passive voice as in our text. Some commentators call this a permissive-passive term, meaning to put yourself in the place of being filled, or allow yourself to be filled & controlled by the Spirit of God!

If you and I would be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must put ourselves in the place of being filled, and then, God MUST fill us!

And so, put yourself in the place in which you can be filled! Think of this filling like sailing; you can’t fill your sails with the wind, you can only raise your sails for when the wind comes; but God must send the wind! Or, like planting a field with good seed; you can plant the seed, but you can’t make the seed grow, and you can’t bring the rain, God must do that.

And so, if you would be filled with the Holy Spirit and all the fullness of God, put yourself in the place to receive all of what God give you of Himself!

THIRD: That brings me to what you can and should do if you would be filled with all the fullness of God:

First Pray for it as Paul did; then fill unfill/empty yourself of ALL of what is preventing you from being filled with God! Your heart, your mind, and your affections must NOT be fixed upon ~ and filled with other things like the perishable things of the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

If your heart is filled with the world and worldliness, you’re not going to be filled with all the fullness of God. And that’s because there’s no room in your heart; you’re not in the place of being filled because you’re filled with other things!

Listen: You can’t just briefly glance over this prayer/this passage in the Word and say within your heart; yeah, I would like that! If you spend no time seeking to be spoken to by the Spirit of God, the reality is, you’re filled with other things and you really don’t want all of God’s fullness (IN YOU).

And so, what limits me from being filled with all the fullness of God? I DO!

The truth is, every Christian is “filled” with some measure of God within; it must be so, since each of us, as believers, are indwelled by the Spirit of God!

What God (portions of Himself) to each of His dear children, I believe, depends on how much you, child of God, desire to be filled with God! I believe, the more you desire, hunger, and thirst after God, the more of Himself He will portion to you!

Psalm 81:10, 37:4, Matthew 5:6, Revelation 21:6, 22:17

God is the Filler brethren; but are you putting yourself in the place of being filled with all of His fullness? Are you putting yourself in the place of being ready to receive Him? Or are you filled with other things? 1 John 5:14-15

James Downing

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